Chapter Nine

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Xavier's POV

Ella is pregnant. Those are the words that constantly run through my head. It's been about three days since we found out an we haven't brought it up since. Pretty much all we've agreed on is not telling anyone and picking up extra shifts at work.

I've seen here once, two days after we got back. We went on a small hike with Adrian and Jay, it was beautiful, the water from the falls spraying everywhere. The different types and colors of flowers make the place look exotic. We had both needed that, a walk, a place to clear our heads and not worry.

We barely have been talking, between extra shifts, practice, and just all around stress, there hasn't been much room for communication. Her mind is working, and it's planning, you can tell because her eyes look hazy and her hair has been stuck in the same bun since the last day at the beach house.

Her mom and dad aren't helping either. They have been fighting, fighting about the house, fighting about their vows, just fighting. Her mom is living with the doctor she's been cheating on her dad with, she's been with this doctor for nearly two years apparently. Ella cried when she found out, she was disgusted to say the least.

I want to help her, I want to help make her feel better, but I know right now all she needs is some quiet  time. That's why she's over at my house right now, well I'm at work. It's been our new thing, well I'm at work she does whatever she's been doing at my house, and when I get home she's either gone or pulling out. I try not to take it personally, an I try to leave little notes on my bed before I leave for her, I try to text her long paragraphs about how everything is going to be ok; but, the truth is, I don't know if everything is going to be ok. My head races at the thought of pregnancy, teen pregnancy at that. I did that to my sweet baby girl, I made her have to make a life changing decision that is obviously ripping her apart. I caused those horrible emotions, or late night cries.

I hurt the one woman that I swore to always protect, I caused her pain, and I don't know if I can deal with that. So I try, I try to make her smile and to make sure she knows I'm not leaving. No matter how hard this is, I'm not going to leave her to make my life easier. I caused this, I'm going to finish it.

I've always loved kids though, always wanted to be a father, but not this soon. I'll do my best though, I will pick up extra shifts, I'm even looking into starting an extra part time job that pretty much goes straight to my savings. I'm going to help her out, I'm going to get us as much money as possible, I'm going to try and make this as easy on her as possible because I love her.

Ella is my baby girl, my darlin, my love, my sweetheart. Ella is my entire world, and I wouldn't want anyone else in my life. In the past four years of us being together we've had our ups and downs, but never, ever, have I wanted to leave her, to find another girl. She's my one and only, my soul mate, my other half. She's the one that makes me smile on rainy days, she's the one I take on ice cream dates even if it's fifty five degrees out. I love her, and if she decides to keep the baby then I'll love the baby just as much, maybe even more. She just needs to understand that.


Ella's POV

I've spent my days at Xavier's house, laying in his bed, reading his notes, thinking. I don't know what to do, it's hard, ok I think I know what I'm going to do, that's the scary part. I cry, I cry because I want to believe he will stick by my choice but I have to except the worse. I cry because I can't talk to anyone about this, I cry because everyone will turn their backs on me.

I feel bad for leaving, for never sticking around, for never writing a note back, for never texting back. But, I don't know what to say, or how he will react to my choice. I hope he pulls me in his arms and says, "I love you, I love you no matter what. I told you I'll stay no matter what." But, I'm afraid he will walk away screaming that he never wants to see me again.

I decide, I'm going to write him a note. I look down at the printer paper in hand, I'm not sure what to do, what to write, so I write out my thoughts, my fears, and my decision. I fold it in half and place it on his night stand before putting on one of his shirts and getting in his bed. I curl up, holding his pillow close to me as I drift off into sleep.

I wake up to the bed dipping and I look over to see him, his back is turned from me but I can barely see the note. He's reading the note. My heart starts to race, my breath catches in my throat and my hands jump to my throat, not sure why but they did. My eyes start to get teary, I'm just waiting for him to scream.

He doesn't scream, instead he folds the note back in half, kicks off his shoes and strips off his jeans and tee shirt before getting in bed with me. He doesn't say anything as he pulls me to his chest, rubbing my back as he hums a sweet tune.

"Xavier... are you, um mad?" I'm not sure how else to say it, so I give it to him straight. He looks down at me, he traces his thumb over my cheek bones and gives me a small smile. He places his lips on my forehead before answering.

"I'm going to be a dad, in going to raise a child with the love of my life. I'm not mad, honestly I knew you would choose to keep the baby, but I'm freaked out nonetheless, it's a big responsibility to raise a kid, but I'm going to do it to the best of my ability sweet girl." I can't do anything but cry as he finishes his mini speech, he's going to be a dad, I'm going to be a mom. How would I have been able to live with myself if I had had an abortion, and I would go nuts knowing my kid could possibly be in danger with the foster care system. I turn away from Xavier, pushing my back to his chest as I guide his hand to my stomach. We both rub my stomach for a little bit, letting today settle in as we settle into sleep.

Hey guys!! Here's the rest of the chapter!! Comment down below what you think I could do better, don't forget to vote!!

Love y'all- MadisonMarie

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