Chapter Thirty One

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Seeing that it is currently Halloween night and Xavier and I don't have a costume we made one.

Now, is it ironic that one of my favorite movies is Juno? Yep, here I am, a teen mom and one of my favorite movies in middle school was Juno.

Well, guess what we did! Yep, we dressed up as Juno and Paulie. I got Xavier into some tiny runners shorts and I found a striped shirt and camo skirt within the boxes of stuff I have in Xavier's families garage.

"So, what are we actually going to do tonight?" Xavier asks as he pulls on the gold sweat bands.

"Well, its Halloween night we should watch some scary movies and give candy out, ya know? Good old fashion Halloween."  He nods slowly.

"Sooooo, what movie?" I flip through Netflix horror films, not seeing anything that peaks my interest until I see one.

"We have to watch scary movie! Pleaseeeeee!" He rolls his eyes at me doing his famous smirk afterwards.

"Well I don't see why nottttt," I quickly scroll back to the top of the Netflix banner as Xavier makes the popcorn. The chiming of the doorbell rings through the house once and then a second time.

"I'm coming!" I holler as I try to waddle my way to the door. I check the peep hole first to see three slightly older boys, maybe eleven or twelve year olds.
When I open the door to my surprise they say, "trick or treat!!" I smile handing them all big handfuls of candy.

"Be safe!" I get a thank you in reply as the three walk away.

"What did we get for firsts?" Xavier questions as I plop on the couch.

"One old man, a cowboy, and it looked like Indiana Jones but I'm not sure." Xavier's grin is huge as I list off the costumes of the three boys, nodding as he does so.

"Niceeeee! I'm glad people are still actually dressing up." I nod stuffing a handful of popcorn in my mouth as the movie begins.

Not even five minutes into the movie and the doorbell has rung three times, we aren't annoyed just frustrated. But, it's Halloween! We have to give what the people want!

I get the next trick or treaters, when I open the door my heart melts. Here stands a little family, definitely young, and their two kids, a toddler and a baby in a wagon dressed as a cowgirl, and the older boy a Sheriff.

"Trick o treat!" The little boy shouts, I smile and laugh a little before giving them all candy.

"Would you like gushers?" I ask the parents and the mom excitedly shakes her head yes, I hand them both gushers before wishing them a good night.

I return to the couch, moving the popcorn bowl and placing a pillow on Xavier's lap and laying my head down. He strokes my hair as he continues to watch the movie and I drift off.

I'm startled away by the sound of the doorbell, Xavier kisses my forehead before apologizing and getting the door. I see the little kids dressed as princesses and then I see a dad dressed as a prince, it has to be one of the cutest things I'd seen all night.

Xavier wishes them a goodnight before turning the porch light off and the tv.

"Come on baby lets go take a shower and go to bed." I nod yawning as I start to get up.

He takes my hand as we head upstairs and then hands me my toothbrush. As we brush our teeth he pull our playlist up and plays it softly through the speaker.

I start the water of the shower after I'm done brushing my teeth, Xavier is struggling slightly with his good sweat bands and I kinda just laugh at him after shimmying out of my skirt.

We get in the shower taking our sweet time, talking about all the families we saw tonight and the future with our baby. We talk about our house, and then we talked about pets.

"Xavier, I want to get a dog." He looks kinda taken aback since I've never owned one.

"You want a dog? Now?" I hum a yes as I scrub the shampoo out of my hair. "Well maybe we can go check a shelter out soon but, do we have the money for that?" I shrug slightly.

"I'll figure that out later right now I want to sleepppppp." I'm practically asleep in the shower when Xavier turns it off. I walk into his room and collapse onto his bed not even bothering to put clothes on.

"Yesss no clothes Friday!" Xavier shrieks before diving on to the bed. I laugh rolling over to lay on his chest. I then drift off just as Xavier starts playing with my hair.

Hey guys!!! I hope you enjoyed this kinda short chapter! Let me know how you are feeling about the book so far! I love hearing from you guys! I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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