Chapter 3

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Two words to describe the house. Absolutely crazy. There was alcohol laying on almost any piece of furniture throughout the house, and teenagers were milling about everywhere. These types of house parties gave me anxiety. It wasn't because I didn't have friends or anything, I just hated crowds and messy areas. A cluttered house meant a cluttered mind.

If a hundred of kids weren't here, I might have spent all night looking at the modern architecture. I was a nerd for anything that involves designing something better or more functional.

The city surrounded the whole floor, for the windows provided a perfect panoramic view of the beauty of New York. Elaborate art and sculptures sat around as if they were watching us destroy their perfect home.

"Oh. My. God!" One of my friends from the track team, Hazel, shouted at me. She was our team's best distance runner. With her toned legs and perfect abs, it's no surprise she was super fast. Also, she was just a freshman and showed a lot of great potential.

"I can't believe you came!" She exclaimed as I walked up to her and her boyfriend, Frank. They were the oddest couple I had ever seen. Frank, who's a lineman on the football team, reminded me of an Asian sumo wrestler. Except recently, he's shaved an impressive amount of fat off and changed it to muscle.

Hazel, on the other hand, was the shortest of my friends and had a dark complexion. Her golden eyes never seized to impress me, but always were a reminder of my ex, Luke.

"Believe me, I can't either," I replied as she took my arm, "Piper forced me."

"Where's Piper?" she asked, looking around the room. I immediately knew that I was going to have to find another ride home. It's not that Piper was a bad friend, but I knew how distracted she could get sometimes, especially when Jason was around.

"I have no-" I started, but got interrupted by Hazel.

"Annabeth, we're about to play truth or dare. You have to play," she said. I wasn't in the mood to embarrass myself in front of a bunch of teens who have been way more adventurous than I have ever been.

"No, I probably shouldn't. I don't want to spill out my whole life to people I probably haven't seen before," I replied.

"Annabeth, it's literally just our friend group and a few others. You know all of us. Think of it as just hanging out on a casual school night," she said. She had me there, and I didn't want to be standing alone so I accepted.

   "Yay!" She squealed in delight, "this is going to be so much fun."

   She lead me to a large group of people, and I sighed in relief when I realized most of these people were my friends. On the love seat sat Clarisse La Rue and her boyfriend Chris. We weren't the closest, but we talked sometimes. Piper, Jason, Leo, and Calypso sat on the large couch in the center. Next, the Stoll twins (I couldn't tell the difference) stood next to another armchair.

    My vision tunneled as I saw the next person sitting in the chair. This couldn't be happening right now! Sitting in the final seat was the absolute worst person possible to be here.

   It was Percy Jackson, the school's biggest troublemaker and also happened to be my sworn enemy.


FINALLY, you met Percy. Don't worry, you'll be getting a lot of him later. Sorry about the short chapter, I'll make it up :)

I started school today, which totally sucks, so I got to writing to escape to a fantasy world where I control everything and give everyone happy endings... Anyways, I hoped you liked it!!!

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