Chapter 30

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We made it to 30 CHAPTERS! I hope you all are loving this story. I mean, you've been reading for 30 chapters so I'd hope so! Anyways,                          
MAJOR PERCABETH ALERT. This chapter is for all you Percabeth lovers to celebrate 10k reads! You all are awesome

Happy 30 and 10k reads! 🥳



Today was the day.

It was finally the right time to break the school record. I'd been planning to keep increasing speed until I finally got a new personal best, which also happened to be faster than anyone else.

It also happened to be the "say yes to everything for a day" day. Despite my protests, Percy just had to have it today. I wasn't sure why, but he seemed very adamant that it was today.

"You ready for a great day?" Percy asked with a bright smile as I reached my locker. It was a typical Thursday morning for us. He was always waiting for me to arrive to school and stood protectively in front of it like a guard protected a princess.

"Sure," I grumbled as I swung the metal door open. It revealed neat rows of shelves for the bottom half, filled with loads of textbooks from my AP Classes. The door had a large white board calendar with various colors of dry erase markers that were color coordinated with the color I selected for my binder in each class. Was it a little overkill? Maybe, but I didn't care.

"You're so organized," Percy said as he rolled his eyes. "How do you even do that?"

I ignored him as I hung my coat and bag up.

"Boy," He yawned and stretched his hands over his head. "I could really go for an energy drink right now. I barely got any sleep."

"There's a vending machine right there," I said, pointing to the large compartment at the end of the hallway.

"Would you buy it for me?" He asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would spend all day making me his slave.

"Do you realize today is the only day I'll do whatever you ask? The first thing you want me to do is buy you a drink," I said.

A sly look quickly passed over his face. I was about to ask what it was about, but it disappeared as rapidly as it began.

The bell rang, signaling that we had 5 minutes to make it to first period, which was Mythology for the both of us. After the last disaster, which involved a lot of fierce arguing over Poseidon and Athena, Mr. Brunner decided to promptly end further discussion.

Now we were learning about a "happier" subject, like the tragedies of the ancient demigods. Yeah, right. We learned that almost every demigod ended up dying. Whenever we started a new myth, I assumed at least someone had to have a happy ending. Turns out the Greeks were not into fairytales.  I decided that being a demigod must've really sucked. Whenever something unfortunate happened to me, I always told myself, Hey, at least you aren't a demigod. Those guys had it really bad.

When I arrived to class, I was greeted by the usual bustle of the day. Students stood around their desks, chatting amongst themselves until the final bell rang. Connor Stoll sat in the corner furiously finishing last night's homework, which was to write down all of the Herculean Tasks.

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