Chapter 16

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The game was tied at 5-5. So far, I had scored 2 goals, Travis also had 2, and Frank had one. Grover was being Grover, which meant contributing absolutely nothing to the team.

   "Alright," Jason said as he dribbled the ball up the makeshift field. "Next goal wins!"

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would announce that when he had the ball himself.

As he dribbled into my area, he tried to pull a nutmeg on me and make a fool out of me. Quickly, I blocked it and stole the ball. I only had to dribble past Leo, and then I would have an easy shot on the goal.

   I sped my way to the enemy side and pulled an easy scissor move on Leo. He fell for it, literally. He hit the ground with a groan of pain and buried his hands in his hair in frustration.

   "Ha!" I shouted as I made my way past. Then, all of the sudden, I heard a ring coming from the basket on the kitchen island.

What a loser, I thought while slowing down my dribble to hear who's phone it was.

But then I looked up and realized the other guys were giving me smirks. I tried paying attention to the song. The noise was muffled from the distance, but I recognized it, all right. It sounded like 'Surfin' USA'.

Well Fuck.

It was my ringtone.

  "Shit!" I complained.

   Leo smirked at me, "Percy, I think you have to answer that."

"What kind of ringtone is that?" Jason asked, walking over to me. He took the ball out from under my feet and started tapping it around.

"Oh shut up. You're ringtone is 'Thunderstruck' so I wouldn't be talking," I countered, slightly offended.

"'Thunderstruck' is iconic," Jason snapped.

   I rolled my eyes and walked over to the counter where our phones were lined up. I wanted to curse whoever was calling me at such an important time.

   "Guys, just keep playing," I sighed as I turned the screen toward me.


  My annoyance was shadowed by the thrill of getting to talk to her. This girl had me wrapped around her finger.

   "Hello?" I asked tentatively.

"Hey, Percy," She said slowly.

Hey, Annabeth! I-" I exclaimed, probably way too desperately.

   Connor glanced over from the game to face me, "Oooh it's Annabeth!"

"Connor! Shut up. Guys keep playing without me," I shouted, feeling my face get warm.

Out of nowhere, Annabeth started, "Hey, I was just wondering if you would like to go out somewhere? Is next Friday okay? You can pick the restaurant."

I probably looked like a dork, with my mouth hanging wide open with a 100% chance of drool coming out.

For a second I didn't know what to say, but then I replied (way too eagerly, might I add),"Yes!" To try to cover it up I made a strangled cough like the genius I was and forced out, "I mean, yeah sure."

I swear I could hear her grin through the phone.

"Anyways, I've gotta go. The guys are getting annoyed," I added quickly. I saw the guys all staring at me expectantly.

"You do that," she said, "Bye, Percy."

I loved when she said my name; it just sounded so right.

"Is Percabeth done now?" Jason teased, now dribbling the soccer ball around Grover, who stumbled after him.

"What? No! Wait, what's Percabeth?" I asked, completely confused.

"Your ship name obviously," Travis rolled his eyes as if I should know about this already.

"What?" I asked again, dumbfounded, "You know what? It doesn't matter let's get back to the game." The guys nodded eagerly in unison.

Jason dribbled the ball up the field. He faked right and cut left, taking Travis out. Connor called for the ball, but Jason being the hero he was, decided to take me on 1 v 1. Everyone else decided to back off and just let us go head to head. It usually happened like that.

Anyways, Jason dribbled closer to me. He was extremely fast, so I knew I had to stay low.

Unfortunately, I decided to let my mind wander and think about Annabeth, who I would hopefully be able to call mine soon. Then, even more distracting thoughts popped in my head. I thought about how radiant she looked when I told a joke. Honestly, that was why I didn't mind looking like an idiot in front of her. She looked absolutely beautiful when she laughed.  Just the thought of her made me smile. My mind then wandered to her curly hair and how it looked like honey in the sunlight. It always smelled like lemon shampoo.

Jason seemed to notice that I had my mind on other things, and decided to make a fool out of me. He strategically directed us right in front of the makeshift goal. Of course, I didn't know it then. I was too busy ogling over Annabeth. But, then pulled a nutmeg on me, the absolute worst way to get defeated in soccer. The ball was placed perfectly and rolled between the two pieces of furniture, finally ending the game.

Choruses of cheers were spread throughout the room. Connor and Leo high fived while Nico gave a grudging smile.

Jason clapped my back and said, "You may have beat me in Ping Pong, Jackson, but I'm the king of soccer."

I sighed. "Maybe tonight, but you better watch your back, Grace."

All of the guys gave me hell for it the rest of the night. And of course, I had to perform a weird dare just because Annabeth called. I blamed the whole thing on her. But the truth was that I didn't care that I lost the game for my team, or that I looked like the biggest idiot in the world tonight. The only thing I cared about was that I was taking a certain beautiful, sarcastic, and annoyingly intelligent girl out on a date.


Thanks for reading! I know you're hoping Percabeth will be in item soon...

Are you guys fans of soccer? I am a huge fan. Anyways, comment yes or no and why if you're still reading these dumb questions.

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