Chapter 7

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Okay, okay. It's August 18th and NOT Monday yet, but I had to!! It's Percy's birthday for the gods' sake!! So, this week I'll post today, Tuesday, and Friday!

Now it's time to kick back and relax (don't forget your blue food though) Enjoy the show...

(All blue emojis. You're welcome)


After my last final, I packed my things up at my locker and got ready for track practice. Since it was the last day before break, there were only a few people that bothered to show up today. Out of the sprinters there was Jason, Thalia, Piper and I. Piper only joined track to get closer to Jason, and it was pretty obvious. She just started this year and wasn't exactly the best, but she was great at cheering for me at meets. Also, I liked the company during the grueling practices.

Thalia was Jason's sister and a brilliant sprinter. We liked to run a lot together, and she was one of my best friends. The only downside was that she was super close to Percy Jackson, so that meant dealing with him way more than I wanted to. Thalia had dark hair and electric blue eyes that would scare any opponent on the track, which could be great for intimidating other teams.

As we ran our warmup laps on the indoor track, the distance team prepared to go outside in the snow. I started to feel  bad for them. They all came out of the locker room bundled up with pants, sweatshirts, gloves, and hats. Hazel gave us a sad look and waved as she left the warmth of the gym, but Leo just flipped us off.

"So, Percy said you guys are BFFs now," Thalia raised an eyebrow at me. She knew how much I despised that kid. Then we hopped off the track to start doing our stretches. These usually took 45 minutes, so I figures there was going to be plenty of time for them to harass me.

I rolled my eyes, "Percy and I aren't even friends. We just had one conversation at the party last night."

"Yeah right," Piper laughed as we started doing lunges.

"Why are you hanging out tonight then?" Jason joined in while winking at me.

I felt my face flush pink, "Oh, shut up!"


After track, I waited for Percy's car to pull up to the front. After 10 minutes of impatiently pacing in front of the school, I finally texted him:

Are you coming? I'm freezing my ass off!!- A

Leave me alone. I'm almost done changing. Unless you want me to come out naked ;) -P

Oh shut up -A

After 10 more minutes of freezing, Percy finally pulled into the lot with his Prius. It made me laugh how someone like him would have an eco-friendly car.

"Hey," Percy said as he turned the radio down when I got in the car.

"Hey," I replied awkwardly. His dark hair was still wet from the pool, and it looked even more unkept than usual.

"What are we doing first?" I asked.

   "I figured we could have a mukbang. It's not too crazy and we deserve it after finals. Also, I'm starving," he pointed to his stomach as it growled.

   I laughed, "Fine, I haven't eaten sweets in forever and I'm craving candy."

   "Grocery store it is!" He announced as he sped up the road.


    "Chips? Check. Wendy's? Check- wait, Annabeth, you picked Wendy's when McDonald's was right there?" Percy asked in disbelief when he looked through our foods purchased.

   "Yeah? Wendy's is the best." I replied.

   "Why would you trust a little red haired girl with a hella creepy smile to provide your fast food?" He exclaimed while shaking his head. Then, he grabbed one of the chicken nuggets out of the Wendy's box and acted like he was choking it up in disgust.

   "Do you realize McDonald's logo is a freaky clown?" I replied, rolling my eyes. Percy rubbed his chin as he thought of the McDonald's slogan.

   "You're a freaky clown," He tried to argue. I snorted at the lame defense.

   "Whatever, we have all of our food. Let's go back to your place so I can get you in trouble. There's 2 down on your list," he said.

  "Mom? I'm home with a bunch of food!" I shouted as Percy and I entered the front door carrying bags of food.

   "I'm in the kitchen!" She replied. Percy gestured for me to go first. Suddenly he seemed nervous and started fidgeting with his strings on his hoodie.

   "Hey I-," My mom's voice cut out when she saw Percy following me into the kitchen, "Oh! Hi, Percy. It's nice to see you again." It was obvious it wasn't nice to see him. Her expression was tense as if she never had to see him again it would be too soon. Suddenly her voice turned strained and she stood awkwardly.

   "Hey, Mrs. Chase." He said shyly and smiled at her.

   "Percy's here for, er, a school project?" It came out like more of a question, and my mom raised her eyebrow.

  "If I'm correct, today was your last day. Was it not?" Her tone elevated as if to say, 'Be careful about what you say next.'

   "It's just something for over break, Mrs. Chase. And we couldn't do it at my house," Percy quickly interrupted with a smile, and I nodded in agreement.

  I could tell my mom wasn't convinced, but she just said, "Fine, I'll be upstairs."

  After my mom left, Percy turned and gave me a huge grin, "Annabeth Chase, It's time to feast!"


Hope you enjoyed! Like, comment, and follow if you want more.

Hopefully you all don't think the story is moving too slow. The beginning is just setting the scene and all. I hope you stick with me because I have some GREAT Percabeth coming up...

Comment "PERCY" if you are still reading in honor of the birthday boy! I love every reader, but I know you're a true one if you do.

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