Chapter 18

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Annabeth was hot.

    Sure, I always thought she was strikingly beautiful, but today I saw a new side of her. With her red top and denim skirt, I instantly wanted to punch any guy who even glanced at her for a second too long. I'll admit, I was guilty of it too, though.   

As soon as I walked down the senior hallway, I knew something was different. There were hushed whispers and students all glancing near Annabeth's locker. I had to pass through that way to get to Mythology for the day, so I figured I would check it out anyways.

    Then, I saw her. At first, I didn't recognize her and thought there was a new girl or something. But, no, that was Annabeth's locker. Also, her thick curly hair was unmistakable. Then, like the smooth flirt I was, I felt my hands go numb and dropped the huge book I was holding.

'Fuck you,' I silently cursed my Mythology teacher for forcing us to lug around those dictionary sized books.

     Annabeth jumped slightly and whipped her body around. She looked amazing, don't get me wrong, but it didn't feel like her. "Annabeth..." I started. I tried to get the words out of my mouth but I couldn't. How could I tell a girl as perfect as her that I liked her better before? I was no lady expert, but I was pretty sure she wouldn't appreciate that.

    "Staring much?" She asked, smirking at me. She could have fooled anyone else, but I knew her. I knew that she was freaking out on the inside just by the small sliver of panic in her eyes. I had to give it to her, though. She looked beautiful and empowered. I would've bow down to her in an instant if she asked me to.

    "No! I mean yes, but only because you look so different," I quickly replied. Damnit. I screwed up again. So much for smooth Percy. Girls usually didn't come hard to me, but Annabeth never ceased to keep me on my toes.

    She gave me a sweet smile. I swore I started to get dizzy. "See you in Mythology!" She exclaimed cheerfully. After shutting her locker, she made her way down the hallway.

    I probably stood there for a good ten seconds with my mouth hanging open. My thoughts were a jumbled mess in my head, all fighting for attention. Part of me was confused on why she would change herself, and another part of me didn't care because she looked incredible. It didn't matter what she looked like though, because I was pretty sure I was madly in love with Annabeth Chase.

What was this girl doing to me?

    "Today," Mr. Brunner announced, "we will be discussing the feud between the gods Athena and Poseidon. It was one of the most famous feuds among the gods, and I think it will interest a few of you." He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was talking about Annabeth and my parents. Her mom was named Athena, and mine was Poseidon.

    The whole class snuck glances between Annabeth and me. I rolled my eyes.

    Mr. Brunner's brown eyes gleamed with amusement, "I'm sure you all know about the feud..." he started. Boy, did I know about this feud. It was practically shot for shot of our parents' disagreement. Athena and Poseidon both were vying for control of Athens. You already know who won, hence the name Athens. She produced an olive tree and became central to the Athenian economy and way of life. Poseidon was pissed, rightfully in my humble opinion, and still tried to control certain points of Athens. Some even claim you could still see his trident indent in the acropolis.

    "So, my students," Mr. Brunner addressed us after explaining what went down in Athens, "I would like you to partner up and decide together which god was in the right, and who was wrong. If you can come to an agreement, good for you. If you can't we will have a live democracy! You will have to act like Athena and Poseidon and win the class over. Perhaps I'll let you even choose the name of our classroom."

    Everyone groaned. This sounded like it could get ugly if it turned into a live debate. I quickly searched for someone who would agree that Poseidon should have won so we wouldn't have to debate in front of everyone.

    "Frank!" I shouted. I wasn't sure why, but I had a feeling he would agree with me. He turned back to where I was sitting in the corner and nodded at me.

    "Wait!" Mr. Brunner held his hand up, "I'm choosing your partners, of course! I wouldn't want you guys to get off easily." He grinned, knowing he had set up the perfect matchups for a fight, "Leo and Frank, Piper and Drew, Percy and Annabeth..."

    Of course. I silently cursed Mr. Brunner for doing that to me. Annabeth and I were supposed to go on our first date tonight, and I didn't think fighting over which god was right would be a great topic to discuss.

    "Oooh!" Leo shouted at me, and I flipped him off.

"Fuck you," I mouthed. Leo gasped and faked crying.

    "Let's just get this over with and agree so we don't have to prepare a whole presentation," Annabeth said as she slowly approached me. Was it me or did she get hotter every second?

    "Yeah, true," I nodded as she sat down next to me. She put her arms up on the desk and laid them centimeters away from mine. I could almost feel the electricity coming off of her. I was so tempted to just grab her hand.

    "So, we can both agree Athena was right, right?" She asked. I pulled back, instantly forgetting how much I wanted her. She would not disrespect Poseidon like that. He has always been my favorite god, and not just because my father was named after him. Poseidon was the best looking, had the coolest powers, and seemed less uptight and arrogant than Zeus.

    "What?" I asked in disbelief, "I thought you were supposed to be smart!" I shouted louder than I meant to. The whole class went silent and shifted their attention over to Annabeth and me. I started to feel embarrassed, but I couldn't help but defend the right choice.

    "I am being smart, Percy! Athena was right and deserved to win!" Annabeth exclaimed back. We were both standing up now, and her arms were crossed. Those grey eyes were looking as stormy and intimidating as ever.

    "Look in the smart part of your brain then! Poseidon is obviously the best god- '' I started, but Jason jumped in the conversation. His blue eyes turned dark behind his glasses.

    "Wait, wait, wait. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Poseidon is cool I guess, but he's nothing compared to Zeus. I mean, he's the freaking king of the gods." He raised his hands in emphasis. I instantly wanted to chop them off.

    "Shut up, Jason!" Annabeth and I shouted in unison. We then shot glares at each other.

    "I think that's enough for today, guys. We can discuss this again Monday!" Mr. Brunner interjected. As if on cue, the dismissal bell rang to signal the end of class. Annabeth, clearly annoyed, stormed out of the room.

    There's nothing like a date with an extremely hot (but scary as hell) girl.


Hello! I hope you all are having a good day. I didn't edit this one as closely as some other recent chapters, so sorry for the rough chapter!

Do you all like arguing? I'd like to know! Comment (if you're still here) your answer. Personally, I HATE conflict.

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