Chapter 34

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    Prom was...seriously underwhelming.

    Do you remember when you were younger and expected high school to be as fun and entertaining as "High School Musical"? Then, you got to high school and realized people didn't sing in the hallways, and people weren't as nice as they seemed, and it turned out Sharpay wasn't as evil as it got.

    That was how prom was. The decorations were cheesy at best. The theme for this year was "Happily Ever After." Walls were painted with vast castles and rolling hills behind them. The grand ceilings held extensive lanterns inspired by "Tangled" by a string. Fake trees wrapped with Christmas lights were littered around, and a grand staircase was in the front of the hall. On the opposite side of the room, I could see a large, golden carriage with metal horses pulling it.

    "Wow," Percy whispered next to me. I had to admit, it would've looked charming to anyone else in the school. For me, on the other hand, they looked ridiculous. After all, I had never been one to believe in fairytales. I was just too much of a realist.

    "I know," Hazel said from behind us.

    We made our way down the entry staircase and merged with the crowd. At least a few hundred students were here tonight. I could see a lot of the single and dateless guys sitting in the corner, drinking punch. Many, however, were up dancing with their dates or friends. Some of their moves were bizarre, but I admired their courage to dance like that in public.

    "Hey, guys!" Thalia waved as she shouted from the group she was standing in. I immediately recognized them as a group called the Hunters. They were all part of a club that a teacher organized last year and focused on protecting wildlife. How they did that while living in a large concrete jungle called New York City? I had no idea.

    "Hey, Thalia," I said while approaching her and giving a hug. "You look beautiful tonight."

    Thalia was dressed in a long, silver dress. It almost sparkled when it caught the light. Then, I realized everyone else's dresses were slightly different. Thalia's was the only one that gave off a small glow. I wondered if that meant she was the leader. Her electric blue eyes were as stunning as always, and her black hair was cut short.

    "Nah. You look amazing, though. I'm glad you waited for the right dress." She gave me a large smile. Then, her gaze focused on Percy behind me, who was awkwardly messing with his pockets. "Percy, you look good."

    He did look good. Handsome was a better word. His thick, black hair was styled up, so it wasn't in his face. His sea-green eyes dazzled in the soft glow of the lanterns. I wasn't accustomed to seeing him all dressed up with a suit and bow-tie. I could get used to it though.

    He gave her a small smile and nodded. "Thanks, Thals. You look as...sparkly as ever."

    She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up Percy. Now, you guys go have fun tonight. But not too much fun."

    "So original," I teased as I grabbed Percy's arm. His eyes widened in shock as I pulled him to an open space on the floor.

    "So," He said nervously, "what do you wanna do?"

    I punched him in the arm. "Dance with me, obviously."

    "Oh...ok," he muttered. He grabbed my waist, and electricity shot up my spine. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

    The D.J. picked that exact moment to start playing a slow song. I recognized it as soon as the first word was uttered. It was "Little Things" by One Direction. I, like many other girls in my school, went through a whole phase of loving them during middle school. I couldn't pretend that I was completely out of it, though. I still knew all their songs and adored them endlessly. That's why I couldn't hold back from singing the verses along with the song.

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