Chapter 10

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"You ready for what I have planned?" I grinned as Annabeth got in my Prius. It's been about two weeks since we last completed a task. For some reason, we still hung out almost every day. At this point, we were becoming great friends and bonded pretty quickly. Today was now the last day of December, and we were about to go check another task off Annabeth's list before Jason's New Years Party later tonight.

"So, what task is it today?" She asked nervously. Today Annabeth was dressed in dark blue jeans with with an oversized sweater. Her curly hair was accompanied with a black beanie. She looked adorable, but I wasn't going to admit that.

"On your list, you said you want to learn how to cook something cool," I said as an idea started to form in my head.

   "Why are you obsessed with knocking all the food ones out first?" Annabeth asked, glancing at me.

   "I want a certain dish. You'll love it trust me," I said, pulling in to the grocery store parking lot.

   "You can go. Here's what you need," I gave my grocery list to Annabeth. She took it as she rolled her eyes and left the car.

  The truth was that I really wanted some blue chocolate chip cookies. My mom and Paul were currently super busy, so she couldn't make me any.

3 weeks earlier:

   "Percy," my mom said coming back into the room with Paul in hand, "we have some news!"

   "Okay, what is it? You guys are starting to worry me," I asked, darting my eyes back in forth between the couple in front of me.

  "Well, Percy," my mom said as she shifted nervously. Then Paul grabbed her hand and nodded in her direction.

   "We're having a baby!" She shouted, excitedly. I just stood there in schock from the news.

   Once out of my trance, I started jumping up and down and hugged both of them. I was so happy for Paul and my Mom. We probably stayed that way for a good hour or two.


"Percy, why do you want blue food dye? All of these ingredients seem so...mundane," Annabeth said as she rooted through the giant bag filled with cookie ingredients.

"First of all, I don't know what mundane even means. Second of all, we're making my favorite food in the world. If you have any objections, Chase..." I warned. Who did this girl think she was?

"Okay okay," Annabeth raised her hands in defense, "we can make your special food." Honestly, I was surprised she didn't realize we were making cookies yet.

Once we arrived at Annabeth's, I set all of the ingredients out on the marble counter.

   "What's the first step to your 'amazing food?'" She says the last part sarcastically and rolls her eyes.

  "Well, let's preheat the oven to 350," I directed. Annabeth walked over to the oven and set it.

   "Then we have to mix all the flour, eggs, sugar, and blue food dye in a bowl," I said. At this point, Annabeth probably knew what we were making, but she didn't mention anything.

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