Chapter 12

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Here's some more Percabeth for ya....


  I kissed Annabeth. I kissed Annabeth. I kissed Annabeth.

   Those exact words replayed in my head all night. You may be thinking that I'm too young to fall for someone. Or that Annabeth and I haven't even been friends for a month. All of that could be true. But my heart said screw it.

   I probably laid away in Jason's room until 4 am, recounting the memories of the night:

   After our kiss, Annabeth and I got out of the pool. At first it was awkward, but both of us were grinning from ear to ear. I walked over to the shelves outside and picked us each a towel to wrap up in. We were both shivering due to the cold New York air.

   I knew my way around the place, so I took her to a bathroom at the far side of the apartment where no one would be. It felt secluded and separate from the rest of the house. It was a bonus that the blaring music and sounds of conversation was almost inaudible from here.

   "Thanks, Seaweed Brain," she said as I handed her my spare clothes. They were supposed to be for later tonight because I planned on crashing with Jason. So what if I froze tonight? None of it seemed to matter as much as Annabeth.

   "No problem. I'm going to get you some hot chocolate," I said, standing up to leave the room.

  When I came back I almost fainted. Annabeth was dressed in my t-shirt, which was way to big by the way, and some oversized sweatpants. She looked adorable, but I wasn't going to let her know that the butterflies in my stomach just multiplied by a million.

   "You look, uh- great!" I stammered as I felt my face turn as red as a tomato. God, why did I always have to make a fool out of myself. Then I handed her the hot chocolate, hoping she didn't notice my shaky hands.

  She took it gratefully and said, "Tonight was fun."

   "Even the kiss?" I asked, taking a seat next to her on the tile floor.

   A blush crept up her neck. "Yes," she hesitated. "Especially the kiss." I couldn't believe what she was saying. Maybe this meant she liked me back.

Both of us just sat there, smiling and blushing all the same.

   "Let's play a game called 20 questions," I said, breaking up the silence.

   "Why?" She shot me a questioning look.

   "Well, even though we're doing this crazy list thing together, I still feel like we don't know a lot about each other. I mean, we became friends pretty recently," I tried to explain, careful not to offend her.

   She seemed to agree, "Fine. You go first, though."

   "Hm, let's see. What's one place you want to travel one day?" I asked, starting not too personal.

  "Easy. Greece." She started after almost no thought.

   "Why?" I asked, although not surprised. She didn't strike me as the typical girl that wanted to go to the beach or something. She was interested in learning, architecture, and history. Although that stuff seriously gave me a headache, I still admired that about her.

  "Well, for one, the history. I've always loved Greek mythology and wanted to go back and see my roots. I mean, the architecture is related to what I would want to create one day. Something big and permanent," She said. I couldn't keep my eyes off hers. They were usually stormy, but now they were bright and full of excitement. Her lips were slightly turned up in a smile, and her cheeks were flushed red. I loved that look on her. I wanted to slowly lean in and kiss her again...

Annabeth cleared her throat and said,  "It's my turn. Why did you hate me for so long?" She asked. My face fell. I knew I should come clean about everything, but she probably would never forgive me. I couldn't bare being without her friendship. Even though we've only been together for a short time, I felt like this girl should stay forever. I couldn't afford to lose it so quickly.

  On the other hand, I wanted to finally open up to someone else. I wanted Annabeth to see the full me, and that couldn't happen if I didn't tell her right now.

   "Annabeth," I took a deep breath and started to explain. I told her about how Poseidon started becoming disconnected with the family, and how I tried so hardly but could never please him. Then I told her about the night he finally left us. I described how broken my mom and I felt until Paul came. She seemed a little shocked that no one noticed my mom was with someone else.

   After telling the whole story, the only word that came out of her mouth was, "wow."

  "And I know some of the things I did were inexcusable, and I took my pain and anger out on you. I just hope you could forgive me. I'm so sorry and I really want you to stay in my life," I finally said. It came out like a fountain, gushing out it's water. I just hoped she understood.

  A strange look that I couldn't place flashed across her face. Guilt, maybe? I wasn't sure, but then her face turned into sorrow. Her stormy grey eyes met mine, and to my surprise she pulled me into a tight hug. Then she whispered into my ear, "I'll always be here for you, Seaweed Brain."


    That last part is what kept me up until 5 am. I laid on Jason's couch all night, thinking about those 8 words Annabeth told me.

  On the ground next to me, Leo snored extremely loudly. I realized then Frank was awake. He was glaring at Leo, frowning at the strange noises coming out of him. Jason was knocked out on his king sized bed, and the Stolls were curled up in balls at the end of the bed. In the Lazy-boy recliner was Nico and Will, looking extremely comfortable and annoyingly cute.

   I sighed and waited until my eyes grew heavy, hoping for dreams about a certain grey-eyed beauty.


Hey, I'm low key so proud of this chapter. I'm not sure why, but I was vibing with it. Percy's chapters always seem easier to write.

Comment "grey" if you even read these. lmao.

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