Chapter 21

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Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone had a good day and you enjoy the next chapter!


"You've got to be kidding me," I argued while glaring at Percy. He stood at the end of the bed with his arms crossed in frustration and wore a deep scowl.

"No, you've got to be kidding me!" He said, exasperated. He raised his hands in frustration.

I shook my head furiously and replied, "It's so good though! They are finally matured!"

"Of course. I should have known you're one of them," he sneered at me. His previously bright eyes were now appearing as if a storm was brewing in them.

"The Order of the Phoenix is my favorite. There is no way you could change my mind," I said, crossing my arms in defiance. I refused to agree with Percy.

We were sitting on his bed, deciding which movie to watch. It was 11 pm, and I was starting to get tired. So, Percy suggested putting something on to keep us awake. The only series we could agree on watching was the Harry Potter series. After 30 minutes of arguing about which movie was best, we were still at square one.

"Percy, you never even read the books. You can't even decide," I pointed out. His argument was that The Prisoner of Azkaban was the best. Sure, it was a great movie and book, but it just wasn't my favorite.

"So? After just watching the movie, I can rightfully decide that The Prisoner of Azkaban is better." He hesitated, "You know what? I'm not even going to argue with you. You're one of those people who say they were growing and stuff, and that's the reason it's the best-"

I interrupted him, saying, "Yes, it is the best because of that."

"No, it's really not. Who cares? What's the most interesting and entertaining? Oh yeah, it's The Prisoner of Azkaban!" Percy exclaimed.

"Fine, just play it then," I rolled my eyes and laid back on to his bed. Sleep immediately threatened to take over me.

Percy hopped over the end after turning the movie on, and laid next to me. He shifted uncomfortably like he didn't know quite what to do with himself. I thought it was cute. I never got to see this side of him. The unsure, nerdy, and strange side. I liked it.

After a few minutes of the awkward positioning, I finally leaned into him. Boys could be so clueless sometimes. Obviously, I liked him. I kissed him! But Percy was still probably thinking I thought of him as a friend.

With all these thoughts floating in my head, I felt my eyes get heavy. Maybe it was the fact that I was all cuddled up with the guy of my dreams, or that he gave off a strong fragrance of the ocean. But I let myself relax and drift off to sleep...


I woke up to the blurry vision of a big figure standing over me. It was a man's build, and was way too big to be Percy's.

"You are in so much trouble," he said. My eyes finally adjusted to the harsh light in the room. I directly shot up in to a sitting position. The blinding light was so stark I had to squint to look around. Percy was lying next to me, mumbling inaudibly. I had to take a second to admire him in the morning. Sure, he had drool coming from his mouth, but he still looked handsome nonetheless.

I glanced to where the voice came from. It was Frank Zhang, Hazel's boyfriend. He was all sweaty and looked as if he had just come from the gym.

"Frank?" I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Coach Hedge made me come. I asked Piper and she told me you'd probably be here. At first, I didn't believe you would skip on us today like that, but-" He started, but I didn't let him finish that sentence.

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