Chapter 24

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This chapter is a few hours late...sorry! I didn't get to edit this as much so bear with me.

Guys, remember when I said there was worse to come? Yeah, that's about to happen right about now....



What was with it with girls?

I mean, one minute they're telling you they'll never leave you, but then the next they call you a coward in front of the whole class. I'm not saying this happened to me or anything, but I'm just asking for a friend...

"Hey," I said miserably. "Today was a disaster."

My mom was sitting on the grey sofa in living room, reading a book and sipping some hot chocolate. She looked up, glanced at me in concern, and asked, "What happened, honey?"

    "Annabeth happened," I replied, throwing my backpack on the wooden floor.

    She frowned and gestured for me to sit next to her. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, and the tension that was sitting there all day immediately washed away.

    "I just don't understand girls. They act like they love you and then all of the sudden get all prissy," I sighed, running a hand through my knotted hair.

    "You know, girls only act like that when they like you," she said, smiling like she knew something I didn't.

    "You don't get it though, mom. Annabeth actually hates me. She called me a coward today in front of everyone," I replied.

    "You don't get it. I'm willing to bet she's mad that you didn't get her something today," she said, facing me. Her kind blue eyes shined with delight. I bet she really loved talking about girls with me.

    "She didn't get something for me!" I countered. Anger flared up in me when I recalled her words. In fact, they rang in my ear all day.

    "Percy, you have to realize that the girl is always right. Her feelings are valid. I can help you make it up to her," she said, standing up. She grabbed my arm and lugged me into our kitchen. The smell of cookies was already wafting from the oven. I checked the time, and it indicated that there was a little over three minutes until they would be completely baked.

    "Okay. What is it?" I asked.

    "Well, you're going to take this batch of cookies in a heart shaped container and give it to her. Then, you're going to apologize for hurting her. Finally, you'll kiss and make up. The end," she smiled cheerfully and my heart lifted. Sure, her idea was completely crazy but the sight of her being filled with joy never got old.

    The timer beeped, and my heart starting thumping in my chest. The thought of seeing Annabeth again made me nervous. Sure, she was practically my best friend and the easiest person to talk to, but that didn't stop the fact that her eyes were the most intimidating sight. When she glared at me earlier today, I thought I was a goner.

    My mom threw the cookies into a heart-shaped container she found in a closet and handed them to me. "Here," she said. "Do as I say."

    I gave her a hug. "Thanks mom," I said.

    "No problem, sweetie. Now, go get your girl back!" She exclaimed as she shut the door behind me.

    The 5-minute drive turned into 20 minutes. It consisted of me "accidentally" making wrong turns and detours through New York. After realizing my mom would never let me back in until Annabeth and I made up, I decided to just suck it up and go talk to her.

    "What do you want?" Annabeth asked as she whipped open the door. Then she realized it was me. "Oh. Sorry, Percy. I thought you were someone else. Do you want to come in?"

"Sure. Thanks," I said as I followed her into the entrance. I caught her eying the cookies suspiciously.

    We sat on her couch uncomfortably as I acted like I had a sudden fascination with the hardwood floors in her apartment.

    Finally, she broke the silence, "Look, Percy. I'm sorry for acting out today and calling you a coward. It wasn't right-"

    I cut her off, "No, you were right. I'm sorry for this whole thing. I'm sorry for making you miss track and so sorry for being a complete idiot today. Most of all, I'm sorry for ruining everything. I should have known this whole thing was a mistake."

    A look of hurt flashed across Annabeth's face. Then I realized how low my comment sounded. Great. I messed up again.

   "I mean the whole list wasn't a mistake! I swear. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm being serious," I said, stuttering over some of the words. Sharing my feelings didn't happen to be one of my strengths.

    "No," she waved her hand dismissively. "I get it."

    I knew I had to change the subject, or I might've exploded. So, I said, "My mom made you some of her homemade blue cookies. She won't stop talking about how much she loves you."

    My comment made the exact effect that I wanted it to. A smile tugged at her lips and she asked, "yeah?"

    "Yeah," I replied with my confidence growing. Screw it. It was now or never, and I had to tell her how I really felt. "Annabeth, look. You're my best friend. I know we've only been friends for a little while, but I feel like there's something between us. And I know we aren't perfect. We fight. I can't even handle you sometimes. But I still find myself always wanting to be with you. It's fucking scary. You were right about me being a coward. Maybe you were talking about the Valentine's Day gift, but I took it as something else."

    "Oh yeah?" She asked, her voice as quiet as a whisper. "What were you thinking?"

    "It's that I'm too afraid to admit that I have feelings for you, Annabeth. It's like the whole world is trying to tell me something, but my heart wants something else," I replied. The words flowed out of me like a river finally breaking down a dam. I just couldn't stop gushing, even though it was completely humiliating and horrible.

    "Percy-" She started. Then a knock sounded at the door. Annabeth sighed and walked to the door. I figured it was the person she was expecting earlier.

    Annabeth gave me a sideways glance. There was something in her eyes that told me something was about to go very wrong.

    She opened the door.

    Standing in the doorway was the person I least expected. He had a dark complexion and a long dark hair. His sea-green eyes flickered around the room until they caught sight of me. I was taken aback by what I was staring at. My reflection.

    It was Poseidon.


Boom. I hope you all enjoyed. Comment your favorite/least favorite part about Valentine's day. My most has to be the candy. My least is the constant reminder of how single I am :)))))

The List | Percabeth AU [ORIGINAL]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant