Chapter 14

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Saturdays are for the boys.

I know, I know, it sounds extremely dicky. But I needed some time with my best guy friends. So that's why when Jason offered to invite all our "lady friends" (as Leo put it), I refused.

    We were all sitting behind the grand island in Jason's kitchen. Leo and I were starving so we were making up whatever we could find in Jason's pantry. Frank was sitting on his phone, frantically texting Hazel, Jason was finishing up some homework sheet from Mr. Brunner, the Stolls were teasing each other, Grover was ranting about what a waste of electricity we were using, and Nico was sulking in the corner because Will wasn't here.

"Percy, are you absolutely sure you don't want to invite the girls? I've heard you and Annabeth love sticking your tongues down each other's throats. This would be a good time," Leo offered. The other guys snickered at my expense.

   I turned red. "We kissed once. I know it's more than you ever get but..." I trailed off, making the guys laugh even more.

   Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the pot that Leo was cooking Ramen in catch on fire.

   "Oh my god!" Jason exclaimed. We searched furiously throughout the cabinets for a way to put it out. Finally, Jason found a box of baking soda and extinguished the fire quickly.

   "Well that was close," Leo muttered while wiping a bead of sweat off his face.

   "What was close?" Frank asked, finally looking up from his phone for the first time since he arrived.

   "I get that you and Hazel are all in the Honeymoon stage, but tonight I think Percy is right. We need to just had bro time," Jason announced while he took all of our phones away.

   He had on a stern expression, and his lip was curled up in a way that you could see a faint scar running across. I refrained from laughing at the backstory of it, or as Jason describes it: "his battle scar." The truth was that Jason tried to eat a stapler when he was a baby, but he attempts to convince people it was from a snake or something.

   "Wow, I never thought I would hear the word 'Percy' and 'right' in a single sentence," Nico snorted.

   "Whoever's phone rings first from a girl has to do whatever we say for the remainder of the night," I said brightly. "Or guy!" I added after taking a quick glance at Nico.

    "Let's just do the usual tonight," Jason said. We all nodded in unison; we loved the usual.

   I guess I should explain what we like to do on a normal Saturday. First, we eat a ton of food. Jason always had the best snacks, so we always raided his kitchen as soon as we arrived. Then, we would set up a soccer game inside with Jason's expensive items around the house. We would play until at least 10,000 dollars of items were destroyed. Don't worry, Jason's dad could replace everything in an instant. Half of the time he wasn't even home.

After a long, exhausting game of soccer we would play a bunch of video games and roast each other the rest of the night. Cool, right?

"Okay, since Jason and Percy were the top scorers in the last game, they are team captains," Frank suggested as we all nodded in agreement. You're probably thinking: Why is Percy Jackson, the swimmer, playing soccer? Hey, just because I love the pool doesn't mean I can't kick a ball around.

"I'll let Jason pick first. I'll win anyways," I smirked in his direction. Jason's bright blue eyes turned dark and stormy. His expression was no longer easy going. We took soccer here personally; it decided a wide range of things: who would be the butt of all jokes for the next week, or who would be the slave for the rest of the guys.

"Oh, yeah? Doubt it." Jason glared at me, his mouth set in a deep frown.

"That's what you said when we played ping pong and look what happened there," I grinned, recalling our last matchup. I, of course, won.

See, Jason and I have always had a rivalry. It started the day we met. We were both captains of our sports' teams and happened to be super competitive. It was only a matter of time before we started butting heads. Jason was one of my closest friends, though. If there was someone I needed to count on, it was him. In short, he was my brother.

"Shut the Fu-" Jason began, his tone dangerously sharp.

"Wow, that was intense!" Leo interrupted before Jason could finish. "So I guess that means it's time to choose teams."

"Connor," Jason said quickly. Damn it. That was going to be my first choice. He actually played soccer for our highschool. He was a strong defender and dependable for me.

"Travis," I decided. Travis was still a good pick. He grinned as he stepped on to my side of the room.

Jason looked at the remaining options. One possibility was Nico. He was okay, but he was still sulking about Will's absence so I figured he wouldn't do any good tonight. Frank was an absolute disaster. He was strong but super clumsy with the ball. Lastly, and definitely least, were Leo and Grover. Trust me, you didn't want to see them play.

In the end, it was Jason, Connor, Nico, and Leo versus Me, Travis, Frank, and Grover. We all set up in our positions on opposite sides of the living room.

Now, this wasn't your typical family room with a few couches and a tv. The area lined with windows so you felt like you were floating on top of New York City. The sofas were white and modern, while the marble fireplace roared in the corner. More importantly, floating shelves lined with expensive objects surrounded my side of the "field."

We rearranged the furniture so that they could be makeshift goals, which were around 30 feet apart. Even though we played this game almost every weekend, it still gave me a rush of thrill.

"Game on, Jackson." Jason's eyes focused in on me. For a second, I was terrified of his expression. That guy was scary.

I tried to hide my involuntary reaction of shock and glared back. Then I replied, "You're going down, Grace."

And the game began.


No Percabeth but I wanted to focus on the guys this chapter! Hope you all understand....

Comment who you think is going to win if you're still here! I'd like to know your thoughts, even if I already know the outcome anyways ;)

If you liked this chapter please vote, comment, and follow! Lots of Percabeth to come [maybe a little next chapter... ;) ]

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