Chapter 4

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Remember when I said I would update 2-3 times a week? Well, I've updated 4 days in a row, but I just love putting content up. I'll probably post more like 3-5 times a week because why not??


I always tried to give people the benefit of doubt and not spread any hate, but Percy Jackson pushed the limit. Besides his cocky behavior, annoying smile, and nonchalant personality, I'm supposed to hate him.

My mom, Athena, hated his father. I always knew she had an unusual name, but it really fit her. My grandparents were super obsessed with greek gods and wanted my mom to be named after their favorite goddess, which happened to be Athena. Back in ancient times, she was the goddess of wisdom and war.

My mom was no different. She even had the grey eyes of the original goddess herself. Athena 2.0 aced all her classes in both high school and college, and managed to climb to a respectable job in New York in a very short time. She expected me to follow.

Anyways, since my mom had an obsession with being the best and an unbelievable amount of pride, it's no surprise that she got caught in conflict every so often. Percy's family just so happened to be another sworn enemy of our family. His dad and my mom both ran for the CEO of their company. It all came down to a majority vote. Alas, my mother made the best case and won the job from his father. As a result, an angry Percy started to resent me.
And In turn, I started to detest him.


    "What's up, Annabeth? I have to admit I thought Piper was lying when she said you were coming," Jason welcomed me into the group, while Percy rolled his eyes at the sight of me.

    "Yeah, she had to beg for me to come," I smiled as I swayed awkwardly in front of the group. I needed to calm down. These people were my friends, and I was supposed to be comfortable around them.

That fact didn't stop the butterflies from floating around in my stomach.

   "There's a seat next to Percy," Leo said while smirking. He knew about our conflict and how much I despised Percy Jackson. I gave him my best glare and sat down next to Percy.

"Hey, Wisegirl," Percy sarcastically addressed me. His bright green eyes were sparked with amusement at my awkwardness. God, I hated him.

"Shut up and don't talk to me," I turned away from him and leaned as far off the sofa as possible. My friends around me, clearly enjoying this, all snickered at my discomfort.

"Well, I'll end this awkward silence," Leo said while gesturing to the catastrophe that was Percy and me, "Let's see who's night I want to ruin." Leo's evil grin made me shudder. I instantly felt bad for the loser he targeted first. Leo chewed on his lip while his eyes slowly roamed around the area, searching for the first victim of the night. Finally, his eyes landed on me and a smile creeped into his lips.

"No!" I shrieked in an un-Annabeth like way. This just made Leo's grin grow wider.

"Oh yeah, I'm about to bring the flames!" He shouted. Then, he took a quick glance at Percy and grinned. Oh, boy.

I tried to plead with the rest of the group, begging each and every one of them silently. Please, anyone but me, I mouthed as each person slowly shook his or her head.

"Okay, since you and Mr. Jackson over there seem to have, erm, issues, I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven." Everyone laughed at my expense when my cheeks flared.

"Leo, I never even said dare!" I exclaimed.

"Fine, truth or dare?" He asked, exasperated. I knew there's no way out of it, and everyone would end up forcing me to be with Percy.

"Truth," I smirked as Leo shook his head in distaste.

"Fine, I truth you to go do seven minutes in heaven with dear old Percy Jackson," Leo improvised as I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Annabeth! Don't be a chicken on the first dare! Besides, you'll be doing your friend Percy a favor. I'm pretty sure he hasn't gotten any action in months!" Connor Stoll exclaimed as the whole room erupted in laughter. This time it was Percy burning red.

"Oh shut up," Percy grumbled as he stood up and gripped my arm to yank me up.

Percy led me through mazes of people until we reached the door to a deck off the kitchen. Due to the December weather, no one had adventured out here.

"I'm not kissing you," I said as we sat down in frosted over lawn chairs. Despite the conditions, the place was beautiful. I could only imagine what it looks like in the summer when all the flowers in the gardens bloom. The deck overlooked beautiful central park and the bustling city around it. Near us, the infinity pool steamed with warmth.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Why would I want to kiss you? I mean, I can see why you would want to kiss me..."

"Oh, shut up," I playfully punched his arm as he feigned being hurt.

"Now that I think about it, I've never seen you at one of these before. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but is this your first time?" He asked. Of course he would know that. He's Percy Jackson, the chill guy who sits in the back of class and acts like he doesn't give two shits about anything. He's the guy who makes the party and makes girls swoon while he does it. Not necessarily your typical bad boy with a bike, but more a cute-ish troublemaker. But don't tell him I just called him sort of cute.

"Yeah, well, Piper forced me to come today. She's all worried I never had a good high school experience and wants me to live out this last semester and have fun," I said, half believing Piper's words.

"So, do you want to live a little this year?" He asked, curiously.

"I mean, that would actually be kind of nice. I feel like there's so much pressure on me to be absolutely perfect 100% of the time," I frowned at how vulnerable I suddenly felt. Why was I telling him all this? He was my sworn enemy and I was already admitting things to him that I was too scared to admit to myself.

"Oh really?" Percy smirked as if he had an idea.

"What?" I gave him a questioning look. Whatever he's up to, it had to be extremely mischievous.

"I have an idea. But first I have a question: what are all the things you want to do between now and the moment you walk across the stage and accept that diploma," Percy opened his phone and went into the "List" app and looked at me expectantly. I wondered why was he being so nice to me. Usually, he was super sarcastic whenever I was around.

"There's a lot," I said miserably. Now that I already admitted everything, I figured there was nothing to lose.

And so, I told him everything.


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