Chapter 13

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    "Are you participating in ditch day?" I asked my friends as we left track practice for the day. Piper, Hazel, and Reyna were accompanying me my locker as I got my bag out.

   Everyone nodded.

"Are you seriously thinking about ditching?" Reyna asked me in surprise. Earlier this year, it would have been a hard no. But now... I wasn't so sure.

I shrugged. "I probably will. I'm not sure yet." As we turned the corner, we came face to face with Percy Jackson. His hair was wet from swim practice, and he was talking to another swimmer on the team. He glanced at me from his conversation and gave me a half-assed smile. What was wrong with him?

It's been three weeks since our New Years kiss. Also, three weeks since he opened up to me. After the party, nothing felt the same. He started becoming distant and pulling away, as if he regretted what he told me. I meant it when I said I'd always be there for him. Our friendship started rather suddenly, but that didn't mean I didn't care for him as much as my other friends.

"We're just going to leave you guys alone," Hazel said as they turned around and left down another hallway. Percy's friend seemed to notice. He gave me a blush and hastily followed my friends.

"Hey, Percy!" I said, trying to sound upbeat. I needed to find out what was wrong with this kid.

Percy couldn't meet my eyes. He just said, "Hey. Look, I'm really sorry but I have to go."

I frowned and said, "Oh, ok. I'll see you around," not even attempting to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

Percy nodded and headed towards the exit.

I sighed and waited a few minutes so I wouldn't have to face him in the parking lot. What was wrong with him? After the party, he went MIA. He acted normal to everyone but me.

Maybe it was part of his whole game. Maybe he tricked me into having feelings for him just so he could hurt me again.

I shook my head in shame. Percy wouldn't do that to me. Get out of your head, Annabeth.

After I made my way home, I changed into some comfortable clothes and tried to focus on my homework. I had loads of AP classes that were ruthless about homework. You would think they would ease up a little because we just got back from break. Nope!

  I only could work for 20 minutes before Percy took over my mind again. I was beginning to learn that it was practically impossible to even do the first few Calculus problems. So, I tried working out on the tread mill. It probably wasn't the best idea, considering I just got done running at practice. But it was the only way I knew I could take my mind off things. After an intense 30 minute run, my worries came flooding back.

I checked my phone for ideas on what to do when stressed out. To my surprise I had one message from Percy.

Sorry about today. Want to ditch tomorrow. I know you had plans to... ;) -P

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