Chapter 11

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    "You and Percy kissed?" Hazel asked, clearly shocked. Hazel, Piper, Calypso, Reyna and I sat on my bed. I called them over right after I showered to get all of the flour off me.

  "No!" I shouted, "Well, yes. But only on the cheek."

   "Do you like him?" Piper asked, smirking at me. Even thought I was 100% certain that I did, I felt uncomfortable admitting it. For starters, Reyna and Calypso both have had feelings for him in the past. Who am I kidding? The whole school has a crush on the famous Percy Jackson.

   "Maybe," I shrugged, even though every inch of my body was screaming 'Yes! I like Percy Jackson!'

  "You definitely like him. Tonight is a great way to kiss too. Do it at midnight!" Calypso encouraged me. I was in shock because she used to be in love with Percy.

  "Speaking of kissing, are you and Leo going to kiss?" Piper turned her focus to Calypso, who was now blushing furiously. Count on Piper to play matchmaker.

   Calypso was at a loss for words. Thankfully, Hazel stepped in, "we can all worry about kissing people later, but we should get ready for tonight."

   The New Years party was already way better than the one three weeks ago. For one, there weren't as many people and all of the faces were familiar. I spotted Travis and Connor stole arguing with Katie Gardner in the corner. Some things never change, for I remember them arguing way back in third grade. Standing in the kitchen was Thalia, furiously trying to get all of the appetizers ready for the guests. Near the kitchen, sat a ping pong table. Currently, Percy and Jason were facing off in a heated match against each other while Grover was watching in anticipation. They were moving so fast, sometimes I lost track of the ball.

Various couples were standing by the bar, laughing and cheering in anticipation for the new year. Hazel and Calypso walked towards the bar to find Frank and Leo, so that left Piper and me still standing in the entrance.

"Let's go see Jason and Percy," I recommended. She nodded and we started walking towards the ping pong match. My heart sped up as I could make up more details on Percy's face. His eyes were wide and alert while focusing on the game. Sea-green was starting to become my favorite color. His hair was wildly unkempt, and his biceps flexed as he swung the paddle.

"Stop drooling," Piper whispered fiercely. I quickly clamped my mouth shut.

"Yes! I won!" Percy raised his arms up, a grin taking over his face.

"Barely," Jason tossed his paddle on the table in defeat.

Percy suddenly turned to face me, "Hey! I'm glad you just witnessed me opening a can of whoop ass on Grace here!"

Jason rolls his eyes, "I could kick your ass any day, Jackson."

"Not today, though!" Percy started dancing in the middle of the room. A few confused stares were sent his way. Then he came back to where we were standing and put his arm around my shoulders and smiled at me. To put it lightly: my heart melted.

"We're going to leave you guys alone," Piper dragged Jason and Grover both by their ears to the kitchen.

"So, I had an idea," Percy scratched his neck nervously.

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