Chapter 6

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   "Wait, you're doing what?" Piper asked as we got into her car. It was half past 10, and I was ready to go home and get some sleep. Maybe I'd be able to do some last minute studying for finals tomorrow.

   "Ugh," I replied as I attempted to explain Percy and I's conversation earlier, "I made a deal with him and I plan to follow through."

     "I could've done all these things with you," she said as she scrolled through my list that Percy wrote for me. Then she snorted, "Wow, the title is great."

    "Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes.

    "Why would you ask him though? You've practically spent the last four years avoiding him," she replied. I could tell she was hurt that I didn't want to do a bunch of adventurous things with her, and I immediately felt bad. I was so stupid. Why didn't I ask Piper, who's been my best friend for longer than I can remember? Maybe it was just the thrill of the party, or Percy's welcoming green eyes; all I knew is that I signed up for a whole lot of personal time with the guy I've worked so hard to despise.

    "Pipes, I'm sorry. I promise we can do something cool. Maybe just a girls night out sometime?" I tried sounding hopeful, but I had no idea if she is would accept my offer.

     Her eyes lit up, "Yes! We can have just me, you, and Hazel. It will be perfect." I smiled gratefully at her. Piper was the absolute best. She's the friend you go to when a guy breaks your heart and you need someone to have your back, or when you just wanted to have a little fun.

    We pulled up to my place and I started to get out, "thanks for tonight, Piper. It was actually pretty cool."

School was absolute hell. Usually I could convince myself to look at finals in a positive light. For example, look, you just spent hours studying so you might die if you don't get a good score. Don't worry though! Today, however, I wasn't in the mood.

Remember when I said I might be able to get a cram study session in after the party? Yeah, that didn't happen.

First, I had mythology class. Thankfully most of my friends took it with me. I sat by Leo and Jason while I braced myself for the first final of the day. Mythology wasn't exactly what I wanted to take, but I needed one more elective class to graduate. With my mom being named after Athena and all, I decided to take a chance on it.

     The teacher started doing roll call as I reviewed some of my notes last minute. Wait, what's the difference between Chiron and Charon? It was probably something so obvious, but my brain refused to work today.

   "Perseus Jackson," Mr. Brunner stated. No response.

     "Perseus Jackson?" He repeated after a few seconds of awkward silence. My eyes darted around the room, searching for signs of Percy.

    "Sorry, Mr. Brunner!" Percy ran in panting, "my mom was being so annoying." Everyone raised their eyebrows at Percy's outfit of choice. Usually he was in all black, from his shoes to his hair. Today, however, he was dressed in black jeans paired with a sky blue v-neck.

    "Wow, Percy, you look hot!" Leo whistled as Percy stood at front, and a series of laughs spread throughout the class.

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