Chapter 31

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Literally last chapter we had 10k reads. Now we already have 1000 more! What is this? You all are amazing. Love you guys and happy Friday💓



    I was stoked.

    I mean, how could I not be the happiest guy on the planet? I had Annabeth freaking Chase as my date to prom.

    I must've looked like a real idiot because I snapped out of my thoughts to my mom smacking my arm lightly. "Percy, hon. Stop staring into space. It's creeping me out."

    "What?" I asked, slightly dazed.

  I realized I was sitting behind the large kitchen island, eating Frosted Flakes out of a gigantic bowl. Well, I guess I should say attempting to eat dinner. I doubt I took even two bites of it before drifting off into my dreamy state.

    "Oh, young love," My mom sing-songed, taking a bite from my bowl of cereal, earning a roll of my eyes.

    "Percy. It may be time we have a little talk," Paul stated while picking his head up from his container. He was sitting on the wooden stool next to me, going to town on some Fruity Pebbles. I thought it was odd he was all dressed up in his business clothes while eating kids' cereal.

    "Really, Paul?" I asked, shooting him a glare. "Mom, help me out here!" I raised my arms in frustration and glanced at my mom expectantly.

    My mom would side with me, right? She thought Annabeth was the most responsible and amazing girl ever (her words, not mine). Surely, she wouldn't make me suffer from a horrifyingly awkward discussion with Paul, who also happened to be my English teacher during the day.

    I was wrong.

    "Actually, Percy," My mom started in a stern voice, "Prom can be a really fun night, maybe a little too fun. It's' best if you-"

    "Oh my God," I grumbled while trying to shut her voice out. After no success and hearing snippets of words like using protection and the surprising statistics of teenage pregnancy, I finally couldn't take anymore.

    While my mom was discussing something about the Trojan Horse, (I have no idea why) I took my chances and just shot out of the kitchen. I quickly sprinted down the hallway to the last door on my left. My bedroom. Thank God.


    At school the next day, stories of my great promposal spread, and Annabeth and I were the centers of all the gossip. Of course, by the end of the classes, I knew the story would be manipulated and changed enough that people would be hearing I rode a horse onto the track and proposed. You never know.

    "God, Percy," Jason complained as he set his lunch tray next to me in the cafeteria. "Why did you have such a good promposal? I have no idea what to do for Piper. And you know her, she expects great things!"

    I clapped him on the back. "You've got this bro. Do you even have to ask her? I mean, she's already your girlfriend."

    "Are you kidding, Percy? Of course, he has to," Frank said while opening his lunch box. He brought out a stick of string cheese and started peeling the edges off.

    "Okay, okay." I raised my hands in defense.

    "Hey, at least you don't have Miss. High Maintenance. Calypso will beat my ass if it's not good. Or I would pour my sweat and tears into something amazing, and she'd call me an idiot," Leo sighed. He started frantically fidgeting with his food on his tray. I didn't blame him. Calypso was scary.

    "Probably because it wouldn't be amazing," Nico said walking up to the table, hand in hand with Will Solace. "Also, you are, in fact, a huge idiot."

    "I love this guy," Leo frowned.

    Nico gave a sly smirk. "I'm just relieved Will and I mutually agreed to just go. There's no need to stress out about a promposal. We already know who the kings are."

    "See!" I shouted.

    "Okay," Jason admitted. "It would be easier if Piper and I just agreed to go together. But I think she expects me to propose. She keeps giving me weird hints about it."

    "Like what?" Leo asked. He, for once, wasn't tinkering on a piece of food that the cafeteria gave us. Instead, his gaze was on Calypso, who was sitting a few tables to the left of us.

    I never knew what to think about Calypso. Sure, she was what many guys would call beautiful. But it wasn't the typical kind of beautiful. It was more of a natural essence she gave off. Calypso usually wore her caramel hair in a thick braid and dressed casually. Apparently, she had a big crush on me until she met Leo. This was where things got awkward between us three.

    I can't pretend I didn't either, though. If a girl like Calypso liked you, you for sure liked her back. With her amazing personality and wit, she was a catch. Eventually, our whatever-we-had faded out. I didn't think I would meet someone as genuine and beautiful as her ever again.

    Then Annabeth came along. She flipped my world upside down and turned me inside out. That girl took my breath away.

    "Percy!" Leo exclaimed as he kicked my shin under the table.

    It took all my efforts to not unleash my extremely colorful vocabulary on him. "What?" I hissed, glaring daggers at him.

    Leo gulped, and it gave me a hint of satisfaction.

    "I was asking you how the English test was today," He said. I noticed he furtively scooted his chair slightly away from me, and I fought down a twinge of guilt. I felt bad for snapping at the poor guy. I mean, it was my fault for getting stuck in my thoughts so easily.

    "It was kind of hard honestly. I got a C-," I said while shrugging

   . A 'C' on a test wasn't my worst job ever. I was lucky if I got above a 'C' in a class. The only classes I could pass with decent marks were Mythology, Gym class, and a marine biology independent study I was doing.

    The dismissal bell rang, signaling the end of our freedom and happiness.

    "Great," Leo muttered. "It's time to fail another one."


This chapter was kinda uneventful...sorry for that, but I wanted to show scenes of the guys freaking out a tiny bit. Honestly Leo is SUCH a mood. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the update!

Question: What is your favorite holiday?

Mine is Christmas, therefore I'm VERY excited for December.



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