Chapter 5 :Same Old (Y/n)

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Pitch smirked, looking at the Guardians and Manny's shocked expression. The girl called (Y/n) stood beside him, remaining silent.
"(Y/n), why don't you show our friends your face?" Pitch said.

The girl just sighed and took her hood off. Jack's eyes widened when he saw her face. The same beautiful face that he thought he would never see again.
"It's her," he mumbled.

The (h/c) girl looked around the pole, looking bored. Black sand started to spread from under Pitch's feet.
"Isn't she beautiful, Man in the Moon?" Pitch said as he smirked.

Soon, the black sand started to spread all over the globe. Jack noticed (Y/n) slightly became displeased.
Manny noticed too.
"Did I do a great job?" Pitch asked.

Just then, Jack noticed (Y/n) moving her left hand moving to the right from behind her back  and shot something from her finger.
Which sand?

His eyes widened and he began to wonder. Then, all of a sudden, all the black sand on the globe turned into blue ones.
"What?!" Pitch roared, shocked and displeased.
Now, all of the Guardians and Manny noticed (Y/n) smirked and hid it immediately from Pitch.

Jack knew it was her who did that and smiled, knowing he still has a chance to bring her back to him.
"What's the meaning of this?!" Pitch said.
(Y/n) repositioned her hand back to her side and stood still as if nothing happen.

"Well, looks like someone else can defeat you," Jack said, smirking.
(Y/n) looked at him which he winked at her, making her blush and smiled.

She held a finger to her lips and Jack smiled. Sandy saw and rose a brow. Pitch chuckled deeply.
"Looks like that, doesn't it? But..." he said as he turned to (Y/n) who was once again expressionless.
"(Y/n),show them what you got," Pitch said.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers.
All the blue sand on the globe immediately turned back to black sand. Jack's eyes widened, suddenly afraid that he was wrong.

Pitch laughed again as he turned back to the Guardians.
"See? With just one snap of her finger and they all change into nightmares," Pitch said, smirking.
"We'll stop you and your little precious daughter!" Bunny yelled.
"We'll see that. Let's go,(Y/n)," Pitch said as he disappeared.

The (h/c) girl nodded as she put her hood back on. Then, she disappeared.

The Guardians sighed in depression. Jack was the worst.
His grip on his staff tightened.
"Manny, did you know that Pitch has a daughter?" North asked.

Manny looked down with anger burning in his eyes.
"He doesn't," he said and everyone looked at him.
Then, Jack realized.
"Wait...(Y/n) is your daughter, not Pitch's?" he questioned.
"What?" North said as his mouth hung open.

Manny sighed.
"Yes, Jack, she is," he said and everyone was shocked.
"Then, why is she with Pitch?!" Bunny exclaimed.

"Relax, Bunny, she isn't bad," Jack said and now, everyone's eyes were on him.
"How do you know?" Tooth asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Jack's face turned into a very serious one.
"I saw her turning all the black sand into blue ones," he said.
Awkward silence.
Suddenly, North laughed and looked at Jack with a bored look.
"Of course, not," he said.

"I meant it! I saw her doing that with my own eyes!" Jack said, raising his voice.
"Nonsense, Frost. We saw her changing the new blue sand into black ones, am I right, Manny?" Bunny said.

Manny said nothing remained silent.

Just then, a whirl of blue sand appeared on the globe which was still covered in black sand.
Everyone looked at the globe again to see (Y/n) standing on the globe.

Everyone stood on their guards, ready to fight.

She knelt down on one kneel and put her hand on the globe. All the black sand disappeared and blue sand replaced them. Soon, the sand disappeared and the globe was back to normal.

"What?" North mumbled, not believing what he just saw. The other Guardians and Manny remained shocked.
However, Jack smiled happily as he looked at (Y/n) who stood up.

She turned around and stopped. She turned her head in Jack's direction. Jack saw her smiled beneath the hood.
She held her finger to her lips again, telling him to be quiet in a motioning manner. Jack smiled even wider, happy that he was 100% right. He still has his chance.

The girl turned around and waved before, she disappeared.
"You were saying?" Jack said, smirking as he turned to the rest of the other Guardians who remained shock and Manny who smiled.

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