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Elizabeth's POV...

I was driving my car along the highway. The more I tried keeping my eyes steady in front of the road, the harder I had to struggle fighting against my clouded head. I had to maintain a clear vision and I was questioning my sanity hoping I could get the better version of an answer. What has gotten into me that made me keep this bunch of lilies? I couldn't help looking every now and then at the flowers lying down on the passenger's seat beside me. Yes, I admit they are my favourite flowers but the fact that they came from the man I despise so much... well, I don't know... It hadn't lessen my preference, either. The flowers reminded me of something from a long time ago.

I hadn't realize that I was already home until I found myself turning off the engine. I parked inside the garage, took my clutch bag and the flowers and then proceeded upstairs. As I entered my apartment, I placed my bag and the flowers over a cupboard and I went directly in the storage room and picked a vase I no longer... Oh, when was the last time I ever bought myself flowers? Yeah, the day I graduated in which I had another bunch from Abi as her simple congratulatory gift. I used to buy myself some especially during a long week of reviewing for the examination. Whenever I have them at home, I feel inspired and happy. Flowers are good company, I swear.

Having in my hand the only vase I've got, I went to the kitchen sink, turned on the faucet and filled it in with water and then finally placed the bunch of beautiful lilies. I looked at them for a moment and then heaved a sigh. I brought the vase of the stargazer lilies in the living room and placed it on the center table. And before I left the living room to take a shower, I made another glance to those beautiful lilies.

"You look special. I just don't know why. Not because you are given by the billionaire... it would have been better if not... but still, I adore you and your scent."

After showering and putting on my home clothes, I decided to continue reading the book I almost forgot I was reading a week ago. I sat on the couch and opened the page where I last stopped. Not long after reading the first two sentences, I heard a beep from my phone. I exactly know that tone so I hurriedly get it from my bag.

Hi! Busy???

● Not, really. I am just reading a book at home. How about you?

Still in the office. Am I disturbing you?

No... I just came home from work about half an hour ago and I just wanted to continue reading a book while I rest.

● Are you staying there for an overtime work?

No. I have just finished my work.

Then why are you still staying there? I don't know how your office rules work but in my workplace nobody is allowed to remain after the working hour. They restrict all employees except the security officers to linger inside and around the premises outside of the work time frame for confidential reasons I guess.

Well, that is true for all office regulations. In my case, they know me here and so they trust me that I won't do anything to jeopardize my position and everything that is highly valuable here.

● Then you must have been the best employee every year, huh.
...So how many awards did you already receive?

I already have four recognitions for four years in being the most valuable employee of the year.

● Really?? That is great! Then you must be a highly paid employee.

LOL... I'm just kidding. :-)

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