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Two years later...

Elizabeth's POV...

Yesterday, I went horseback riding with Eric down the borough and as always, he never seized taking pictures of me. At times it annoys me but then I found it tolerable. He was someone who can make me smile and laugh hard even for the simple mistakes I do.

I thought he was my secret chat pal. One time, I tried checking on if it's him by sending a message while we were together at a diner taking our brunch, but I was disappointed when I received a response and he was not holding his phone. The next day, I sent another message and asked what he did yesterday and his response didn't coincide with what I was expecting. With those failed attempts, I turned down my suspicion and gave myself the final peace of mind.

Today, he promised to bring me to his photo gallery that he was bragging me about. I remembered the last time when Susan said that some of his photographs were showcased in Liverpool. Now this one that he wanted to show me was his own gallery in Salisbury. He decided to open up his own photo-art gallery last year and I wasn't able to attend the opening and ribbon cutting when he invited me. It was really a success and up to now his gallery is still gaining praises and value. He deserved it. If you didn't know him, you would think that he was an easygoing guy but in reality he was a man filled with artistic knowledge, business savvy and skills that can easily attract people's attention. He had gained lots of appreciation even from the tourists who have visited Salisbury here in England.

It was still fresh in my head, he told me one time over the phone, that some of his photographs were bought lavishly by a businessman. The name was never mentioned because he said that the buyer sent a staff to collect them. The photos must have been rare pieces because Eric said he wanted to keep them and it was a mistake putting them on display and that someone had caught an eye on them.

"Hey, Elizabeth..."

"Oh, hi Eric!"

"Are you ready?"

"I think I am."

"Okay, come on!"

I told him that I will be waiting in a coffee shop here in Salisbury near the famous cathedral. He fetched me just in time.

"Wow! New car, huh!"

I squealed upon seeing his Dacia Sandero.

"Yeah, it's not as expensive like others would love to have but it's convenient."

He replied while scratching his nape.

"It's fine... I mean, expensive cars don't define you... the real you."

"Yeah, I know... for now, I will be enjoying myself with this then maybe later I'll see what I can do."


We both laugh.

"Well, it's not a bad thing to dream big! Who knows, one day, I become one of the famous personalities like the great Ander--.................opss!! I'm sorry... I was carried away."

He became formal after he perceived his sudden outburst and gave me an apologetic look.

I gave him a neutral expression and after a minute, I gave in. I smiled and gave him a cue that his apology is accepted.

"Come on Eric, let's go... show me your place!"

I hopped inside his car. He usually opens the door for me but this time I did it myself. I forgot that, too. Maybe it was the unsolicited reaction that had made me do it mindlessly... two long years had passed by and I didn't get to hear anything from him. But then, that's good. I demanded it. Whenever I call Abi and Lorenz, or when they get the time to visit me here in Wiltshire, I pleaded not to mention his name to me or whatever that has something to do with him. Lorenz being his cousin, felt very sorry after he knew the situation we had and he did his best to entertain me while I was under the process of healing. I always thank the heaven for giving my best friend a wonderful man of her life.

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