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Elizabeth's POV...

I was lying in my bed and recalling everything what Lorenz recounted three days ago. The thing that had surprised and left me wondering was the part which is undoubtedly connected to my dreams. I had a strong feeling that something must have happened in my past, in his past. I was having an eerie feeling that we were never a stranger to each other. Long before I happened to come and work for his mother, I could sense that there was already a big picture behind. Whatever it was, I am willing to know. Whether it might be hurtful, I would still choose to discover it. Everything must fall to its places like a jigsaw puzzle. I know that some pieces of my past were torn all apart.

Every waking day, from the moment he stopped conversing with me, the dreams became vivid in my head until I have learnt that they were flashes of memories. At some point, I wanted to burst out laughing because I can see myself like a clown being put in a show and that life is delivering a pappyshow at my expense. But every detail had hit me so hard. The pain was real and I admit that I couldn't stop from crying over and over again because I was dying inside and I had no one to talk to. Nobody knew what I was going through.

I come to work in the morning and do things I was assigned to, and come home in the afternoon with just myself. That became an everyday recurrence. Everytime I return home, I am welcomed by an empty four- cornered walls. Everyday is just the same. Nothing special. I guess, I needed to take some days to decamp from work.

Like I said, I was lying on my bed, thinking what particular thing to do to differ the constant dull and solitary course of my day. A day like this, certainly, I would be outside doing my Sunday morning jog but I recently found that my usual activities were gradually becoming less appealing. No... I can't be like this. I have to get up and move.

I bathed quickly and wore an oversized sweater and a black leggings. I pampered my face  with a collagen facial mask for some minutes. I know I needed it. I have been so stressed lately by so many things causing my skin appeared almost so lifeless. After nursing my face with some treatments, I went downstairs and headed through the kitchen. I started preparing the things for brewing my favourite hot beverage... coffee of course.

While I waited for the moka pot to finish brewing, I couldn't help touching the locket hanging around my neck. In my dream, no... in my memory, a young boy gave this to me. If it was really James, I needed to find it out though my gut was strongly telling me it was him, I have to confirm and eventually ask him what had happened to us in the past and if what we are going through right now has something to do with it.

I heard the moka pot bubbles, indicating my coffee is pushing up the tube. After it has finished completing the process, I turned off the stove and started pouring the coffee into my cup. The aroma swelled up my nostrils. That would be a good start up. I went to my table and as soon as I took my seat, I heard a ding from my phone. I felt suddenly excited! It must be my chat pal who finally realized how he had ignored me that much.

Skimming through the notification, I felt disappointed. It was not from him but from Abi. Anyway, let me see what she has to say...

Abigail:  open the Instagram.  You need to see something.

What now? I think it is true that when you work in a magazine industry you tend to become a gossip girl. Sometimes, simple accounts become complicated because people take it maliciously.  Rumours spread because magazines provide details, explanations, interpretations and the likes. It is clear why James hates publicity.

I opened my IG account to see what Abi was referring about.

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James Anderson reconciled with the renowned couture Amanda Frey. It was rumoured two years ago how they got separated a week after the secret proposal. It turned out to be just a break off but now they decided to reunite the path they took and boldly acclaimed to continue what they had started and surely promised to keep the flame burning.

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