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James' POV...

Before I went home, I decided to pay a visit to my parents. The last time I was there, was that stupid night when I left Elizabeth there. Yeah, thinking again about her, I admit that I miss her and the way she talks to me. Her face is there everywhere I go. I tried getting distracted by keeping me busy, night and day. I went to Norway with a co-investor who I discovered doing a form of felony by bribing the other party of a large amount in exchange of increasing secretly the percentage of the owner's equity of the business assets for his own selfish desire to profit more against what we have agreed upon, bilaterally. I never thought that I would actually encounter Amanda, my ex- fiancee. We were in a conference. She was the business associate of the other party whom my co-investor was trying to lure.

We dated twice and on the fortnight of my stay I decided to work out my feelings with her.

"Anybody home?"

I entered the library where my mom and dad normally stay after having lunch.

"You scallywag! What is that exactly?"

My mother playfully threw a persian pillow at me.

"Lorena, let him do what he wants. He's old enough to know what's right and wrong. If he commits mistake, he is the only liable one to rectify the situation."

My dad, not looking at me but on the newspaper he held in both hands upwardly as if not wanting to grant me although I know he would give me a stern look if ever, defended me but not in total alliance. His tone was obviously insinuating something.

"Come on guys, what's your problem?"

"It's you who's got a problem. We visited your office and Elizabeth was not there. She's okay, right? I mean, is she sick?"

"No, she's not mom. Lorenz informed me that she will be having a vacation leave for a couple of weeks, although she could have had even informed me herself."

"Well, she deserves a break. The lady works hard and haven't made any absence yet. I wonder if she's not getting sick, though I would rather prefer she's not. Oh, how come Lorenz knew before you?"

I don't want to give any detail. So I chose not to answer.

"James, don't tell me you're being an arse again, aren't you?"

I picked up the throw pillow on the floor and yanked myself on the other sofa next to my mother. My father, nothing. He didn't even say a word as if he freezed on his study table like a statue.

I tried to ignore my mom's investigative question. I didn't want to talk about her right now.

"Elliana came by today and had a lunch with us together with her husband."

My father out of the blue, spoke. And my mother seconded his words.

"Yes, she did. They will be out of the country by tomorrow. His husband will attend a three-day conference in Austria so they decided to stop-by here today. She showed us something that matters you."

"Something that matters me? I'm curious about it mom. Do tell me."

"A picture of you and that impudent Amanda--"

"Mom, she's nothing like that. You don't exactly know her--"

"I just don't like her for you, and you already know that. And how would we be able to know her when she didn't even show herself here. She didn't pay a visit, not once."

"She was busy those times. Can we not talk about that. It was two years ago."

"So what now? The picture running through social media, what exactly was that, James? If your sanity is still intact, you wouldn't do such a thing. She left you and chose someone else just for financial benefits--"

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