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James' POV...

It was a platinum necklace with a heart-shaped locket... and her name was Eleonora... Eleonora Wood.

His words went round and round my head like a broken disc recorder. I was appalled by the unexpected revelation.

She was my grandmother. The one I visit in the graveyard where I always find a pot of zinnias. One time, there were white zinnias. Other times, there were yellow. And sometimes were magenta. But many times, I always find a pot of scarlet zinnias. Out of strong desire to know who often brings them and what is meant by those flowers, I learned that scarlet zinnias represent constancy... now I understand why and now I know who.

I used to see Mr. Weston in the graveyard but I didn't have the least idea that he's visiting my grandma. I suspected he has a relative buried there or a close family member. When I come at that place, I always encounter him near the gate where I was the one about to enter and he was the one to leave and vice versa.

Now I need to put things right. There will be no promises of easy ways but this will be all or nothing. When she called me Jamie, I felt like my silent prayers were answered. I know, part of her remembers me. That would be enough for now and I should be contented with that. Everything will be okay. Every piece will perfectly fall to their proper places.


Elizabeth's POV...

Today is my last day of my stay here. I looked around and still can't get enough admiring everything I see. The mansion is made in its finest quality. I wonder why my grandfather spent too much when this house will only be filled with his workers and himself, alone.

Yesterday he went out to visit some few friends in Chelsea. Today, he said he will be out for an errand but will surely return after an hour. I looked at my watch. He will be here soon. I covered myself with a medium weight coat and went outside for a walk. I went to the backyard, the one I saw from the library window.

Seeing it from the window was a fine view but being under the rows of slender trees, it gave me warmth. I watched my steps. Last time, I was comparing myself to these little shamrocks under my feet and how these trees tower over them. But now I have come to realize that the trees were not there to block them from getting light instead they give shelter to protect them from the gushing wind. Grandpa was right. If I only stick on the negative and ugly emotions, I would not be able to see the beauty on the other side.

"So you're here. I was looking for you and Regine said you're outside."

I turned around upon recognizing his voice.


"I told you, if you want for a walk you can go and visit Hyde Park. It is more spacious."

"I don't want to. Today is my last day here so I want to spend more time enjoying and meditating here in your place."

"Would you not change your mind? I told you, this will be all yours. You know, to tell you the truth, someone wants to buy all of these but I always decline his offer."

"Why grandpa... I mean why did you choose to stay here? The place is beautiful... extremely beautiful and probably you had spent so much to keep these. But the place is lonely. It is not the same like the one in the county where the nature is everywhere."

"You know, Lizzy... when you make something out of love, it becomes hard to let go. No matter how sad or vague a thing seems to be, you try to look and focus on the reason why you're keeping it that sometimes we become like fools for pretending we're fine... This house, I made this for a very special someone. I wasn't her king but for me I built this castle for her because she is the queen of my heart."

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