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Elizabeth's POV...

I didn't get any reason from him about what brought us here. What has eaten him up that made him bring me here at this morning hour. Everything was so fast. I had confirmed and was sure to myself a while ago that I wanted to resign and now here we are, seated side by side in his car despite my solid disapproval.

"So... is this what you call a valid reason why you cancelled all your appointments today?"

We were still buckled up in our seat and I didn't like looking in his direction so I glanced at the window. The car is parked in front of a lakeside.


He replied firm. Avoiding the presence of our slim proximity, I still remained looking outside. I wondered if he's doing the same. The panorama outside the car window is worth watching, though.

"Great! This is great!! .......Look, I made up my mind. The resignation I gave you is not a mistake or a kind of faux pas."


What's wrong with him? Is he trying to annoy me? I turned my head and darted him my scowling eyes.

"Are you out of your mind??!"


Hah! Great! So that's it?! Is he joking around? I gave my resignation and it seemed like he's not taking it seriously and now he is starting to irritate me to death by responding me with single word in monotone. And what are we exactly doing here? He brought me here with no sane connection to what we had discussed earlier.

I didn't divert my eyes off his direction. I couldn't figure out what was in his face. He seemed to have a kind of woe. But whatever causes him distress, I don't think it has something to do with me because in reality, I am the one he put in this sort of crippling affliction. The anger fuelling inside me was driven by his bipolar attitude. Yesterday he was cruel with the word he chose and now he wanted me to sit still and stay with him here which I didn't understand if he needed a company to contemplate for the mistake he did to me or is this just a continuation of his assault against me. I already mentioned I wanted to resign so what kind of fuss is he actually doing right now.

"Look, I'm out of here... I'll call a taxi. You need to see a doctor!"

I rushed out of his car and slammed the door. I started walking as fast as I could to stay away from him. This is enough! It's too much for me! It feels like it was wrong from the very start that I accepted this work from his mother. I felt like I am being thrown in a dungeon and there's no way out. It would have been cute if he was the prince charming who would save me from that oubliette. But--

"Stop! Don't make any step away from me... look... I don't know how... how to put these into words. It's a damn thing to know how hard it is to please someone like you. I mean... I thought it was all that easy but you made me realize that... that you are different... that you are the only one who made me act this way... like... like I thought I had buried the soft, old me... but no! You are bringing every piece of me, every fragment of my persona... I was a broken soul! I have changed into someone I am not. I played with lots of women... I enjoyed doing the adventurous and wildest things I can do with them but when you came... you made me realize that I am a stone-cold sober. I--"

"I don't understand any of what you are saying."

I said while I stopped walking away and turned around to look at him who was just three yards away from me. I didn't hear his footsteps following me.

"I think I am starting to... to... to have a particular feeling for you. Believe me, I don't know what took over me... It was that night when I saw you wandering alone in my sister's charity ball... It felt like it was only yesterday--"

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