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Elizabeth's POV...

I was wondering what has he eaten today? The receptionist told me that he's looking for me when he arrived in the office. Then he thanked me when he asked me to make them coffee.

I didn't mean to hear their conversation before I came in. They were talking about his life. Maybe if my parent were here they, too, will tell me the same thing. Lucky for him that his parents are near and worried of his feelings, that very now and then they remind him of his life. While in my case, I believe they are worrying too but I am nowhere near them. I don't have my parents to hug and remind me to enjoy my life the way I should. Thank god that I have Abigail who is almost a big sister to me. She keeps on advicing me for things that I am leaving behind.

When I entered, I didn't expect that he would greet me. And the touch! That electrifying feeling. Why is it always there? I mean, every contact we make accidentally, it gives me a weird effect. I wondered if it gives him the same effect. Do I need to ask advice to my friend? He's a guy, maybe he can give me an opinion of a man's point of view about it.

I took my phone from the bedside table and started typing.

To: MysteriousGuyAfar

Hi! Are you busy? Can I ask you something?

I was hesitant to press the send button. I was thinking if it was okay to ask him. I was about to delete my message when I accidentally hit the send button.

Okay, that one was irreversible so all I needed to do was wait for his response. I looked at the ceiling... I can hear the tick tock of my alarm clock beside the lampshade on my table. Ten minutes had passed but there was no response from him. I looked at my alarm clock and it said ten fifty in the evening. Maybe he was busy because if not we usually end up chatting until midnight. I placed my phone on the bedside table. I better chose not to wait for his reply. I pulled up my blanket, turned off the lampshade and then closed my eyes. And after a few minutes, I was engulfed into a deep slumber.


The next day at the office...

I opened up the computer and the first thing that greeted me was an email from the boss.

I will be late today. In my office table, on the third drawer, please get the green USB memory stick. There were saved data about our logistic company. I made a folder named J.A.TERMSANDAGREEMENT where I transferred some documents to be revised separately. Please make it a point to finish them before this day ends. Thanks.

Why do I always find his commands getting weird, lately? I mean, it was hard for me to believe that he's being polite now whenever he wanted me to do a task. Anyway, I should be glad by the sudden change in his approach towards me, right? It would mean less stress at work. If I could remember clearly, I used to come home exhausted from controlling extreme annoyance from him before. We cannot concluded a day without exchanging sarcastic remarks.

I did what he told me. When I opened the third drawer, I easily found the memory stick he told me to revise. It was beside his notepad. Oh yes! The notepad where I wrote those drastic names I gave him. I didn't know why I was curious to see if those pages were still there. I opened it and surprisingly, they were still there. Neatly intact. I furrowed my brows. What was so appealing about these pages? He could have torn them all. I could imagine how was his face when he read these... Maybe his nostril flared in anger. I placed the notepad back inside the drawer. I wanted to pull off each page but I thought that he, himself, didn't care tearing and throwing each, then why would I? Perhaps it is better to pretend that I didn't see it.

I returned to my office and started working on my computer. After an hour, which unfortunately, I haven't yet arrived at the middle of the whole data to be revised, Mrs. Lorena called.

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