Chapter 1

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She felt the adrenaline rush and a chill run down her spine. It's time! She thought, the time has come for her to walk down the aisle and intertwine her life with 'his'. She's been waiting for this very special moment for so long and she couldn't believe it's happening.

The aisle looking awfully aesthetic, as the lawn stretching to it's lengths and topped with tender cherry blossoms.
The crowd holding back their cheers for the bride's entry and the kissing of the wedded couples. She felt nervous, fiddling with her fingers she stood there lips pursed.

"You can do this Lis!"
She heard a familiar voice's whisper.
Only one person calls her that. She smiled to herself, and before thinking she was already on her foot walking down the aisle which had a sharp turn round the corner.

Eyes closed for a second, she made her way to the main aisle where it lead to her man. A small breath escaped her lips as she opened her eyes. The moment her eyes locked with 'his', her breath was taken away. 'He' looked ridiculously handsome in the black tux which was paired with a white dress shirt, that he was wearing. The smile 'he' wore a victorious smile, which reached the very ends of 'his' lips. Eyes shining and holding millions of galaxies within, there 'he' stood waiting for her to reach 'his' arms and become 'us' eternally.

Gazes fixed, smiles plastered and finger laced together, there the stood ready to spell out their vows.

"Do you La Lisa Manoban take..."
*Ring Ring*

Lisa woke up with a groan to the blaring sound of her alarm. She ran her fingers through her hair before messing it up a bit. With a sigh, she hopped out of her bed before heading to her bathroom. In few minutes she was done showering and brushing her teeth. With a towel wrapped around her petite body Lisa walked out of the bathroom. She pulled on to some random oversized clothes and tied her hair into a messy ponytail.


Entering the gates of her university, Lisa headed straight to the library. She went through the aisles before picking few books that was related to the topic she was working on for her literature assignment. Lisa majored in literature and philosophy. It was her thing after all, she loved reading and everything about literature. It wasn't easy to get into this university in the first place, but somehow she managed to.

Getting to the very end, Lisa took her regular seat which was located on the deserted area of the library. No one really uses these desks since they're old and not so in good condition, and the lighting here is very low so basically not a good place to study. But Lisa likes to sit here so no one really bothers her.

She started off going through few notes that she collected online, refering the books before writing down the important points for the assignment.

"Hyung you can't do that! We planned everything already!"
She heard a familiar voice, whisper shouting.

With no doubt she knew the person. Lisa got up from her seat before walking towards the dead end of the library where the old books were stacked up on the shelves. There she saw him, sitting on the floor resting his back on the wall speaking to someone on the phone.

"Jungkook you're here again?"
She questioned the boy who was now bewildered by the sudden appearance of her.

"You scared me!"
He yelled in a low voice.

"Tsk.. you're always bunking classes Kook, this is totally not gonna help your grades"
She scolded the boy.

Jungkook often comes here, to the library not to study but take naps and bunk classes. Thanks to someone who showed this place to him.

"Hyung I'll call you back"
He hung up before getting up with a sheepish grin plastered on his face.

"Hey Lis! Watcha doin here?"
He asked as he threw his arms around her shoulders.

"What would a 'student' do in a library?"
She emphasized the student, cocking a brow up.

"Take naps?"
He smiled cheekily, making her smile too.

"Back to your grades.. what would you do if you continue being like this?"
She questioned, worried.

"Everything will be fine paboya! Don't worry too much you'll get old quickly ahjummah!"
He teased a bit.

She pulled out of his grip before getting back to her seat, continuing with her work.

"No classes today?"
He questioned the studying girl, sitting beside her.

"No just came here to pick few books"
She answered eyes fixed on her assignment.

The boy nodded his head before resting his elbows on the desk and chin placed on his palms. Jungkook stared at the girl beside him, with a soft smile plastered. He liked her a lot and adored her, they were best friends after all. Lisa has gone through so many bad times in her nineteen years of existence and he had been with her through thick and thin. She has faced many things that no one ever should, he hopes for more good days for her.

He can't really put his feelings for her in words, but for now all he wants is to stay with her forever if that's possible. Lost in thoughts, he stayed in the same position eyes fixed on her.

"Quit staring already"
Lisa pulled the boy out of his chain of thought.

He hummed stretching his back.

"Oh yeh what's the time!?"
He reflexed, quickly checking his phone.

"Shit I'm late! Yah wait for me let's go home together hmm ok!?"

"Hey I can't-"
He was already running after picking his backpack which was lying on the floor.

With a sigh Lisa closed her stuff before slouching back on her seat. Eyes closed she let her thoughts roam, which at last landed on one thing. Her dream, it was a spine chilling one for her. Every time she thinks about it, her breath hitches and her stomach does flips.

It's him, the boy she's been noticing for the past few weeks. She's never been like this before, going behind boys being curious about them and all that. Infact the only boy she knows, who is her one only friend was Jungkook. She was more of the anti social club member.

But this guy was different, the second she laid her eyes on him the world collapsed below her feet. The cheeky smile that lighted up his face and his flawless tall figure made her explode with undefined feelings.

She felt stupid of herself for dreaming about a stranger and her getting married, but it's no harm though. She enjoyed while it existed but the after math was even exciting, once the dream replays in her mind she blushed crazily. It was new but an exotic feeling for her.

With a smile she checked her watch, it was past eleven o'clock. It was around this time when Lisa got infatuated for the first time in her life by this boy whom she doesn't know anything about, including his name.

That day, she fell asleep on the bus and missed the stopping that she had to get down. Dragging her feet on the sidewalk, Lisa sighed. Her pockets were empty, she had spent the last penny on the bus ticket and nothing was left now. As blue as it seems, her allowance would be credited only by the week end.

She felt like cursing herself for spending all the money on story books, but it was worth it... Face palmes mentally.

Just then the sky started roaring and heavy rain drops started pouring down. It was really out of the blue. Maybe it's the way of life telling us  'you'll get fucked up one day', she thought. She didn't even carry an umbrella in spite of watching the weather report that morning.

"Gosh.. please just let me go home"
She muttered under her breath as she rushed to the nearest sheltered space where many people were already standing.

Lisa was impatient, she peeped out then and there to see whether the rain has dropped out, but to her vein no.

Just like that her eyes landed on him.

And that's how a simple guy made Lisa feel thankful for going through an awful day.


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