Chapter 15

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It's been a week since Jungkook left and his absence was slowly growing on Lisa. She felt empty and restless at times which even made her pick a fight with Taehyung only to regret it later.

She didn't know why she felt empty, the girl was too dense to notice that Jungkook was the reason behind it. When she avoided him earlier this month it was a different case, but now after knowing that something was bothering him Lisa felt useless that she couldn't even help her best friend out of it.

She spent her days lazily, locked at home doing nothing other than sleeping. Taehyung couldn't hangout with her that much as well since the study schedule began in his Uni and he had to get back to it. Being left all alone Lisa felt lonely and demotivated to even do anything, including her favourite hobby reading.

On the other hand Jungkook overspent his time either on the gym or with the boys or studying for exams to distract his thoughts from her. It was so hard for him to accept and be ok with Lisa's relationship with him at one go. In his case it'll never be possible for him to accept that fact, but he was trying move on.

He was trying to bury down his feelings towards Lisa which he held so close to his soul for a very long time. He even turned his attention to alcohol, hoping that it would help him in some way. But Jimin was quick to notice and pulled his brother out of it, before he made anymore crazy decisions. He forced the maknae to spill everything out of his chest and embraced him when the boy broke down in tears.

Being comforted by Jimin after voicing out all his pain, Jungkook felt a bit better. The boy concentrated more on accepting everything and tried to move on. But before that he wanted to make sure that Lisa was happy in her relationship in order to let her go.

So Jungkook requested Jimin to check on Lisa once, for which he accepted not giving much thought to it. If that's what it takes to make the maknae happy, Jimin would do that for sure. He promised that he would go visit Lisa once his schedule is freed up.

Another few days passed and Jungkook fooled himself that he was moving on slowly, which pained him worse. He convinced himself that he's doing good by trying to forget about her, but sadly he wasn't. He tried to cope up with his emotions but kept failing apart.

That's when Hee Ji started to show up more. She often hung out with Jungkook taking him to new places everyday trying her best to distract him. He heart clenched in worry when she came to know about his condition from Jimin. She promised herself to help Jungkook out of the mess he caught himself in, no matter what.

And tonight wasn't an exception in her mission. Jungkook and Hee Ji were hanging out at a noraebang station, singing their hearts out to few 90's upbeat songs. As the night fell deeper, the pair switched to sad melodies emptying the cans of beer in process. Soon the girl was wasted and plopped herself on the ground next to the boy, exhausted.

"Jungkook switch to next song I love that one better"
The girl spoke drunken-tiredly.

"Heeya you're wasted let's get you home now"
Jungkook, who was sober enough to drive spoke up shaking the girl a bit.

"I'm not drunk!"
She defended, trying to sit upright.

"Yes, you are now let's go come on"
The boy held her hands and tried to get her up, but she wouldn't give in.

"Spend sometime with me, will you?!"
She shot back frustrated.

"That's what I've been doing for the past few days Hee Ji"
He replied, sighing.

"But your mind is not here! You always daydream and it annoys me when you don't pay any attention to my efforts!"
She poured out everything.

"I'm sorry for that. Now come on get up let's go"
He said, fixing his eyes on her.

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