Chapter 2

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Cheeks blushed, a soft smile plastered on her face Lisa packed her stuff and left the library, as she texted Jungkook.

🌌Lis Princess!👑:
Jungkook ah!
sorry something came up
so I'm leaving early!

Few minutes later,

Oh ok... Let's meet tomorrow.

She got a reply to which she didn't bother reply. All her thoughts were fixed on that one person, whom she was dying to see again.

Without hesitating she got on the first bus that turned up on the campus gates. Nervousness was evident on her face, she's never been this excited to see someone and a stranger on top of it. She hated meet ups and hang outs the most, cause too many people.

The bus made its way past her stopping and sped up to the next two, that's where she got down. Hoping to see him again she skipped her feet on the sidewalk, as her gaze scanned the opposite street. It's not her first time looking for the stranger in middle of the busy streets. She's been coming here almost everyday and was lucky enough to see him twice or thrice in the past few weeks.

No sign of him. Disappointed, Lisa grabbed a coffee on the nearest café and took a seat outside. She pulled out some books and pretended to study, as she kept on checking the opposite sidewalk searching for the guy. Minutes passed into an hour, still no traces. With a sigh she packed her backpack and got up, ready to leave.

That's when he walked out of the crooked alley looking all cozy and warm. He waited for the lights to turn green so that he could cross the road and grab something from the café to fill his stomach.

She probably looked creepy because of the way she stared at the boy. But it would be a waste if his beauty is not admired. He owned a stunning profile which complimented even the simplest clothes he wore. In short, he looked drop dead gorgeous like a fallen angel.

For a brief second their eyes met and locked. Neither one of them dared to pull away. Even though Lisa is not a big fan of romance she used to read them then and there, and this moment exactly felt like the ones described in the story books. Dreamy yet pleasing.

Frozen she stood holding her breath and gaze never wavering until the lights turned green and he shifted his gaze walking down the road, towards the café.

Quickly she got on her pace walking towards the bus stop, cheeks flushed.
She was happy, about the eye contact and now that he has finally noticed the desperate her.


Closing the door behind her and locking it, Lisa slouched on her couch letting her thoughts wander. For once in her life she felt the need to get along with someone and know them better.

With a soft sigh and a smile Lisa headed to wash up and eat something for dinner.

It was something around 7 in the evening when the sky broke down into millions of tears, making her nostalgic. The memories and unexplainable feelings towards a stranger returned back, making her go nuts as she kept pacing around her run down apartment. As minutes pass, the weather got violent with loud thunder storms and lightnings.

"Ugh! Why am I being like this?! This is so frustrating!"
Lisa sighed as she finally settled on her desk pulling out a story book, flipping through pages. She tried her best to concentrate on the story line as her thoughts kept slipping of in middle. Half way into the book, she finally went with the flow not letting her thoughts wander.

The book kept Lisa sane just for the moment, before the lights went and the darkness embraced the apartment. She groaned as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, turning the flashlight on.

"Not now!"
She muttered as she headed to the couch, throwing herself on it. Letting the darkness engulf her, Lisa silently listened to the muffled sounds of the heavy rain as it calmed her nerves and made her feel light. Eyes drooping she was about to black out, but something pulled her back to consciousness.

There was a knock at her door, that made her eyes shot open. It was almost ten in the night and Lisa wasn't expecting anyone at her door at this hour.

She grabbed her phone, which was still flashing the light before taking heavy steps towards the door the hard wood cracking below her feet.

Peeping through the eyehole, she saw a tall well built figure. It's dark out there and she could just say that it is a man, cause of the masculine features the stranger owned.

Another knock and she froze on her spot. Fear, what she's experiencing now is pure fear. Breath hitching, her thoughts wandered imagining awful things.

"Who is it?"
Lisa questioned, digging her voice out.

"Uh.. I'm a new neighbor"
Came the voice, deep and raspy.


Lil info!
The contact names are what they have saved the names as, in eachother's phone!

Thank you for reading!

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