Chapter 26

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Few days being scored out of the calendar, Lisa's condition grew much better, both physically and mentally. Her bruises and cuts sealed up half the way allowing her to do minor activities. And not to mention, her thoughts and mental stability has improved quite a lot as well.

Day by day and bits by bits, she started to accept the reality and it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Jungkook who took care of her, all day every day.

Lisa felt grateful towards him, but at the same time she was disappointed at the fact that the boy wouldn't engage himself in longer conversations with her.

It sure felt different for their close bond which they shared with eachother, but instead of complaining about it, the girl accepted his silence and swore to herself that she'd change back to normal to payback for his efforts. She convinced herself that it's the least she could do for him.

But, it wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. Every time the memories which she created with him, flashed back the girl faced a tough time in keeping herself sane.

The nightmares and the screams which escaped her lips were worse and louder in the first few days. Every night she struggled to hold back her cries not wanting to wake her best friend up who barely got a blink of sleep because of her.

Realising this Jungkook comforted her in all possible ways and made sure that she doesn't feel insecure about anything. And sure the boy succeeded in his mission by ensuring her that everything is fine.

In her part, Lisa managed to pull herself together shortly since the thought of being a burden to Jungkook haunted her, along side the nightmares.

Each day went by with her mind encompassing the ideation of getting better and to satisfy Jungkook. One might think that she's overworking herself, but the girl was very keen and aware of her actions.

This time instead of being carried away with her feelings, she made a little addition of her mind with it. And little by little everything started to fall on their right places.

In this process of self healing, Lisa found herself being directed towards one point which always remained as a constant in her life. And it was Jungkook. For once she unleashed her suppressed feelings for him and carefully sorted them out.

She couldn't deny the fact that her heart raced a million times faster with  every touch and skinship she made with him each time he carried her in his arms, anymore. The euphoric feelings clarified many things for her giving a better view of the while picture.

Just like the days she spent in drowning herself in her chain of thoughts, today wasn't an exception. After taking a soothing shower in a while, Lisa sat on her mattress drying her wet hair with a towel while spacing out.

Just then Jungkook knocked twice on her door voicing out his words,
"Lis, can I come in?"

Nevertheless, his call went unaddressed.

He repeated, yet again no answer came his way.

Pushing the door open slightly he slid in half the way, taking a look inside. There she was, looking effortlessly beautiful just by sitting there doing nothing. His breath hitched lightly as his heart made a few summersaults.

Holding his gaze on her, he took a deep breath to compose himself, like he said he had a minimal control on him whenever he was around her. Clearing his throat he made the next call, this time loud enough to get her attention.



The girl shot her head towards his voice instantly, locking eyes with him the next second. Little did they know that the feelings which they felt at that moment was mutual?

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