Chapter 14

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After the Spring concert, the days passed with students working on their assignments and projects. They were tied up with the preparation of exams as well. Being on the same page as any other student in the Uni, Lisa and Jungkook were working their butts off to top the ranks.

Lisa had to cope up with her piling up pending assignments and had no time take any break. It was a get away from the jumbled thoughts that was stacked up on her mind. For once she could concentrate on her work without daydreaming.

Moving in and out from the Uni Jungkook finally settled down to study for the exams after finishing his assignments and turning them in. He hung out with the members often and got along better. He used to call Lisa or leave few texts but the girl would turn those down by saying that she was busy with her work.

It was true that she was busy, but she avoided him for another reason as well. She wanted to get rid of the sudden feelings she felt towards
him. She thought that it would be disastrous to their friendship if she continues to hold those feelings.

In a way to bury those thoughts, she avoided him as much as she could. He'll not buy it anymore when her due dates are over and the study month begins, but somehow she has to make him believe that she isn't available and has no free time left.

Spending hours in her room, working, Lisa felt light and stress-free only when she meets him during the evenings. And it was one such evening where Lisa was cuddled up with him on his couch watching a movie.

"This scene is so sad..."
He whispered in her ears making her chuckle slightly.

"It's just a movie Tae"
She said looking up at him, cuddling closer to his chest.

"You don't know how bad a sad ending can affect one"
He said looking down at her, meeting her eyes.

"But it didn't end yet"
She said smile-rolling her eyes and turning back to the screen.

The movie went on with her being cradled and cuddled in his arms. As they were nearing the ending of the movie Lisa paused it and eyed him suspiciously.

"You watched this already, didn't you?"
She glared at him making him smile cheekily.

"I couldn't wait so I watched it once"
He grinned showing off his boxy smile.

"I knew it! I felt suspicious when you said about the sad ending thing! You could have waited for me!"
Lisa whined hitting his chest lightly.

"I couldn't wait I'm sorry for that"
He said, laughing.

"You're such a bummer Tae"
She sulked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You know what?"
He questioned, pulling her up to face him.

She asked sternly.

"I can't wait to know our ending"
His eyes held passion while voicing out those words making her confused.

"What do you mean by that?"
She asked, eyes softening.

"Ever since I met you and hung out with you I've always wanted to say this to you but never got the chance... The times when I wanted to ask you out, something or the other would come in middle and my chance will be thrown out of the window... Now that I feel it's the right time..."
He paused, gazing nervously at her curious eyes.

"Will you go out with me?"
He breathed out making her eyes widen in shock.

"It's fine if you deny! I'll understand it! I'm not gonna force you into anything... I just wanted to confess my feelings to you"
He ranted after seeing her widened eyes.

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