The Ultimate Despair Detective

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Kokichi's POV

We were in the middle of the 6th trial and I was absolutely certain on who the mastermind was. I mean it all made sense.

Before Rantaro had died, he told me something... something I'd never forget. 'Never Trust Anyone. Even If They Search For The Truth, They Will Always Be A Liar Themself.'

And also, when I went into their room, I found an antidote for the poison that me and Kaito needed. The antidote only I got because Kaito wanted to protect me. He didn't want me to die because of Maki. Instead both him and Maki died instead.

I could have also sworn I saw them smiling after every death had occurred, apart from my fake death.

And when I looked through the files, I saw something from a game called Danganronpa X5 in their room.

"Then it's settled! Tsumugi, the Ultimate Cosplayer, is the mastermind of this killing game!" Kiibo stated. He seemed to have taken over the class trial after Shuichi suddenly went very quiet.

"But it isn't!!" Tsumugi argued back. "I don't have any proof that it isn't me but please understand that it isn't!! I would never hurt anyone!"

"Then explain! All of the arrows point to you! Explain why you aren't the mastermind." Shuichi suddenly shouted.

"That's because you're the mastermind Shuichi!" I shouted back. The whole room went silent. Even Monokuma froze. "Shuichi Saihara is not the Ultimate Detective! He's the Ultimate Despair Detective! Just like how Kiibo is the Ultimate Hope Robot!"

"Do you have any proof of this?" Shuichi asked. I had left the bottle of poison and the sheets in his room and we aren't allowed to leave trial grounds.

"N-no... b-but I know it's him!"

"That's enough Kokichi! I'm tired of your lies. We've already decided that Tsumugi is the Mastermind. Stop trying to change our mind with your lies." Himiko said.

"Now! You've all decided and the audience is eagerly awaiting your answers! IIITTTTSSS VOITING TIME!" Monokuma said. Everyone blamed Tsumugi but I didn't, I blamed Shuichi. I know it's him. It can't be Tsumugi!

"Thank you, Kokichi... but it's not like your vote mattered... I'm going to die..."

"Oh you should all listen to Kokichi sometimes." Everyone turned to Shuichi who had a demonic grin placed upon his face.

"W-w-wait... S-Shuichi.. y-you're the mastermind...?" Himiko stuttered. Shuichi began laughing and his eyes turned a dark red. "N-no..! W-we trusted you! We believed your every word Shuichi!"

"Like I said, you should have listened to Kokichi." Shuichi whipped a tear of joy off his face and began walking up to me. "He said earlier that we shouldn't hide behind the word trust. Of course no one can ever believe that the Ultimate Detective would be a liar, would you?" He places his hands on my waist causing my to flinch.

"Get off me!" I yelled trying to push him away, but miserably failing.

"You see, my beloved Kokichi, you really are smart. No one suspected a thing.~" He responded. Everyone looked at Shuichi, their eyes filled with regret and despair. "But you did.. you knew never to trust anyone, even the mastermind himself~"

"Wait! But why would you kill Kaede! I thought she was your best friend!!" Kiibo countered.

"It's simple isn't it? She was in the way of mine and Kokichi's relationship. She loved me."

"I would never have a relationship with a liar like you!" I keep trying to push him away but it only brings him closer. I soon feel a soft pair of lips on my neck. "Stop it Shuichi!!"

"Now, considering all of you, except for Kokichi, had got the culprit of the 1st trial wrong, you will all be punished! Now, let's get rid of these 3 useless beings! IIITTTTSSS PUNISHMENT TIME!!"

Kiibo, Tsumugi and Himiko were all dragged away to their punishments.

Kiibo was put into a room of cardboard cut outs of humans with signs with robophobic comments written on them. Then Monokuma appeared behind him and tied him down. Monokuma then proceeded to use multiple versions of himself to remove Kiibos metallic body parts. Then one Monokuma got out an axe and dug it straight through the middle of him, causing Kiibo to 'shut down'. Monokuma then took a RAM out of Kiibo and broke it.

Himiko was placed into a magic hat with Monokuma next to it. She was then pulled out the hat and out into a box. Monokuma then proceeds to handcuff her hands and feet to a metal pole. The box is then shut and taken away by a helicopter. The box is then thrown into the ocean. At the bottom on the ocean, the box opens. A shark with a Monokuma on top, who was holding a magical wand, crashed into the box and ate Himiko alive, causing her hat and blood to float to the top of the ocean.

Tsumugi was placed into a room with many different doors. She is shoved into one of them and is immediately put into a different outfit. She looked in a mirror and she looked exactly like Kaede. She proceeds to go through a quicker version of Kaede's punishment. This process repeated for every single execution in the killing game, not including Himikos and Kiibos. She comes out the last room, covered in blood and the roof of the room collapsed, she is crushed by a machine that looks a lot like the one Junko was crushed by in the first game.

I began crying, tears fell down my face. I was at a loss for words. I felt Shuichi rub my hips in attempt to calm me down.

Now I was stuck on my own with the mastermind of a killing game I was forced to join. And the mastermind seemed to have romantic feelings towards me.

Great... just great...

Danganronpa V4 (Mastermind Shuichi X Kokichi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt