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3rd Person

He felt extremely scared when he heard the gunshot ring in his ears. It was painful to hear. He couldn't even hear Bunko's scream but felt a sudden thud on the floor.

He couldn't wake up now. Or else he would be in the masterminds plan. Especially with Shuichi being the mastermind. It wouldn't be long for Shuichi to figure out that 'Usoda'. Well... he was sure Yoshimasa and Mana would probably get involved before hand.

Those two... he would surely miss them. They're deaths around the corner and all...

His mind was filled with memories from his past and from others but someone's memories stuck out to him.

He had Shuichis memories.

All of them! From being born to quitting the gofer project and even waking up in the locker. He remembered all the times Shuichi had been bullied by people who were upper class.. he remembers Shuichis only friend, Junko who helped him become a mastermind.

No not helped... forced. Shuichi was forced by Junko. Because no one would ever suspect a detective to be the mastermind. Just like how no one would expect an Ultimate Lucky Student to kill himself.

His mind imminently went to another's thoughts. Nagito Komaeda's to be exact. He was the unlucky student but got chosen into hopes peak. His luck them majorly increased. He got what he want, won every game, met the man of his life.

If you think about it, Komaeda and himself were very similar. The looks of angels and the hearts of devils. They were both very lovable but then if you Truly got to know them, only someone who loved them with all their heart would except them.

But they were very different in ways as well.. he didn't want to kill anyone and Nagito didn't care if he killed anyone. He was afraid of death... and Nagito just let it happen, happy to be a stepping stone so Hajime or anyone on that island could achieve hope.

'It wasn't fair' he thought to himself. When could he wake up... he couldn't deal with it anymore. Or should he just wait until he was actually dead so he didn't have to go through the pain anymore.

That was when he decided.. that's when he decided to end the killing game. To not give up hope. To do anything to protect people from Despair, Junko, Kamukura and Shuichi...

And to end this killing game. He had a better plan then the one he was currently doing.

He opened his eyes.

"It's a lie!"

Shuichis POV

I looked at Kokichi, his eyes open and he was smiling. "K-k-Kokichi?!" I felt tears run down my face again.

"You know it's wrong to kill people because your sad, Saihara-Chan." He flirted. Wait.. what is he doing?! I thought he knew! Why is he acting like this?!

All of a sudden I felt his lips on mine. It was different to all the other times... mainly because he started this kiss but...

"K-Kokichi! You faked being d-dead?!" I pulled away and shouted. "Why would you do that?"

"I know right. Why would I do that again?" He emphasised on the again part. So he really does remember.

I stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to that. Instead I leaned back down and kissed him again. He may have gained his memories from the past killing game but his feelings still seemed to be jumbled. Or was that another plan? Jesus I don't know! He's so... mysterious.

"Shuma? Can I go home...?" He wrapped his legs around my waist.

"H-home? What do you mean home?" I was still playing dumb... god I'm so stupid.

"Yeah you're right. I don't have one... can we go to Jabberwock island instead?! I know that's real!" How did he know about Jabberwock island?! "Or is it not... this Danganronpa stuff confuses me..."

"Kokichi. How do you know about all that stuff?" I asked.

"You kept secrets from me, Mr Mastermind, so why shouldn't I do the same." He huffed and kisses my neck.

WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!? "Ngh..." I squeaked as he bit my sensitive spot. "S-Stop..~" I moaned. I loved power so I couldn't let a migit like him top me!

He began sucking on my skin. what the HELLLLL!?! He's making this story make NO SENSE!!! No matter what I can't let him win! Since when did this turn into a game...?

"S-Stop it and I'll let you o-out!" I stuttered. God I sounded like the Shuichi who wore a hat. You know, the shy one with Kaede but when the hat came off I became more confident.

He stopped. "You'll What?"

"....this game is going to end soon any way. Monokuma has already started a genocide on the remaining students...

"Then let's get out of here before I die too!!" He complained.

I was still extremely confused. Kokichi Ouma, the smartest man I know, the one who obviously knows I'm the mastermind and who is aware of previous killing games, was acting... innocent... and child-like. It was confusing me and ever so slightly concerning me.

He faked his own death for the second time. He even had the gusts to kill MonoLie. He was brave.... amazing... and a wonder to be around. Even though he knows who I am, and I know who he is... he's still acting as if I did nothing wrong.

"Hey Kokichi?" I asked.


"I love you.." I blushed but his expression stayed completely blank. He then blinked and smiled.

"I love you too, ShuShu."

Kokichi's POV

I'm a dirty liar.

Danganronpa V4 (Mastermind Shuichi X Kokichi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant