The Beginning of V4 and the first death

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No ones POV

All the students had introduced themselves to one and other including Shuichi and Kokichi.

They all went to the main hall a looked around, all of a sudden the room went dark. Kokichi held on tightly to Shuichi's arm.

"Heeelllllloooo Everyone!!!!" Monokuma said. The lights all turned on to reveal Monokuma and all the Monokubs.

"Who are you!?" Rei (the Ultimate Sherrif) asked, holding onto his sister, Mana (the Ultimate investigator).

"My name is Monokuma! I'm the president of Hopes Peak Academy!" Monokuma proudly announced.

"A president Bear? And a cute bear it is! I could just make a cake with his face on!!" Sato (the Ultimate Baker) squealed.

"As much as I want a cake right now, I think the biggest concern would be why we're in a school with a talking bear as our head master."  Kokichi responded, pulling out a grape Panta and having a sip of it. Classic Kokichi.

"Welcome to You're new lives!" Monokuma yelled. The Monokubs pulled out confetti poppers and popped them.

"Also, welcome to the killing game." Monolie stated.

"Hey! That was my line, dick! Just cause your the new kid doesn't mean you can take over us!" Monokid shouted.

"Oh I'm soooo sorry Monoshit." Monolie countered/lied.

Kokichi laughs. "Wow.. I like that purple bear." Shuichi smiled at Kokichi and hugged him from behind.

"Now! You all have 3 days to kill someone! Or else you all die!!" Monokuma left the room, followed by The Monokubs.

"A-a-a killing game?!?" Utano (the Ultimate singer) stuttered.

"This is horrible..." Kisho (the Ultimate Psychic) said. "Why... why us?"

"I don't know... Wait! If we're trapped here forever does that mean I can't see the stars anymore?!" Gai (the Ultimate Astrologist) panicked.

"Everyone calm down! God, you're all so annoying.." Akihiko (the Ultimate Prince) complained. "You heard what they said. 'Game'. And what does every game have?"

Bunko (the Ultimate Poet) interrupted. "A happy end? A plot twist? A bad guy! There's just a so many annotations."

"I think what he's talking about is the option to exit a game." Takeo (the Ultimate Warrior) said, shutting Bunko up. "So.. we'll all look for an exit?"

"Exactly." The prince responded. "Everyone split up!"

"I'll go with Shuichi!" Kokichi said, pulling Shuichi out the room and instead of looking for an exit they go to Kokichi's room, which was still a mess from the previous killing game. "Why's my room such a mess?"

"Shouldn't we be looking for an exit?" Shuichi asked, placing his hands on Kokichi's waist. Kokichi blushed.

"Well yeah but that's boring. I have an odd sense of deja vu... I have a feeling we can't leave even if we find an exit." Kokichi mention.

Shuichis POV

So... he might end up remembering the last killing game, he already knows the fact that we can't escape. The flash light must of had some form of error in it. I've made mistakes before so it is possible.

"I have the same feeling." I lean down and kiss Kokichi's cheek. "Great minds think alike." I smiled and gave him a peak on the lips. He gave one back. And just like that a make out session began.

Suddenly the door opened. Me and Kokichi quickly moved away from each other.

"Oh Shuichi, Kokichi. Hi." Yoshimasa (the Ultimate Luck) said, walking in.

"Oh. Hi Masa. Any 'luck' finding an exit?" I asked, wiping my mouth from Kokichi's saliva.

"Yeah, the whole place is blocked off like a cage... we can go outside and get fresh air but we're stuck in here.." she responded. Kokichi looked at me in shock. My eyes went big.

"A cage?!" I acted. I've done this so many times that lying comes naturally to me.

"Yeah... we're all gonna meet up later, near the Ultimate Divers lab. Kawa let us use her lab to try and calm down. So get your swimming stuff ready." And with that, Yoshimasa left.

"I can't remember the last time I went swimming..." Kokichi said.

"I guess swimming could calm me down..." and be the perfect place for the first death to occur. I need an excuse to neck the security cameras... "Hey Kokichi, I need to go to my room to get my swim suit. I'll be right back." I ran out the room and into the library. I opened the secret room and walked in. Monokuma was there.

"Hello Shuichi! The games getting intreating already. Take a look." Monokuma gestured towards the screen. It showed Kawa and Rei in the Ultimate Diver's lab. Kawa seemed to be unconscious and Rei had a gun.

"I'm sorry Kawa... but I don't want to die in this killing game." Rei said. He dragged Kawa up to the diving board and wrapped her up in string. The string was connected to the door. He shot Kawa in the head and left her there, leaning over the diving board edge. He put the gun on the board. He then opened the window and climbed out, shutting it when he was out and walked away as if nothing had happened.

"So we already have our first death... that was quicker then I had first expected." I thought allowed. Monokuma laughed causing me to to smile. The camera soon flicked towards Kokichi who was getting changed.

"So, how are you going to make this intreating, Shuichi?" Monokuma asked me.

"By putting my little Ouma in danger of course. We aren't allowed to tamper with the death scene but Monolie can." I handed Monokuma the same Kokichi mask, still covered in blood, that I used for Maki's death a few days back. "You know what to do."

I walked out the library, picking a book on my way so I didn't look suspicious.

This is already starting to me fun.

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