The end of a Trail.

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Kokichi's POV

"Well don't you think the Ai siblings are the most suspicious?" I pointed out. "I mean they weren't there when we found the body."

"Kokichi has a point, for once." Akihiko said.

"B-But I didn't kill him! And neither did my brother!" Mana said. "If anything, Shuichi and Kokichi the most suspicious."

"I disagree!" Shuichi and I both shouted. Our podiums were next to each other so I blushed when both our hands met while they were in the air.

"How exactly would Shuichi and Kokichi be the most suspicious..?" Tori asked, messing with his hair.

"It does make sense. Remember Shuichi's excuse for being late? He said that Kokichi took forever to change. And also the fact they were both together means that either one of them could have been the killer." Utano said. "It's most likely to be Kokichi because of the mask.."

"Neeheehee~ you got me!" I stated. Mine and Shuichis podium moved forward. "You see, me and Shuichi climbed through the open window in the Ultimate Swimmers lab. He took one of the guns out of Rei's room before Hand and shot Hawa right in the head! I simply used the strap on my trousers to hold her up just long enough for all of you to come in! We made our escape and walked back to you as if nothing happened."

Shuichi looked at me in shock. And to my surprise, so did Rei. Bingo. I found 2 people to be the killer. It's a shame one of them is Shuichi though...

"May I ask you something, Shuichi?" Sato said. Shuichi nodded. "While talking to me earlier, you told me you hated gun shots. In fact you said you hated guns in general." He did? Dang. "So was that a lie or is what Kokichi saying a lie?"

"It's true. I hate guns and would never touch one..." Shuichi said. "And me and Kokichi stayed in his room."

"So it was a lie?!" Mai said. "What was the point in that!?"

"Actually it was quite helpful." Everyone turned to Shuichi. "I've been to every single on of your rooms with each of you. And the only room that had guns in was Rei's."

"And how does that prove I'm the killer? You could have taken the gun!" Rei shouted.

This is getting no where. I've already come to my conclusion that it was Rei. But I needed to conclude something else before stating who the true killer was "Shuichi. Where did you really go?" Everyone's attention was pointed to me and him.

"What Do you mean?"

"Well. You said to me that you went to get your swim suit on from your room. But you were gone for 10 minutes. Our rooms aren't that far apart and you don't take long to change." I countered.

"I was in my room. Checking my mono pad.." lies.

"Let me butt into your little debate. Shuichi Saihara has not logged into his Monopad before leaving Kokichi's room for the first time." Monosuke lifted his glasses.

"So Me Detective is lying now~ Neeheehee! You've got nerve lying to me ShuShu." Shuichi looked away from me. "You know what ShuShu! I'm gonna take away your fun! It's quite obvious who killed Hawa but you can't get it can you!"

"ShuShu?" Gai looked confused. She reminded me of someone. Someone who like space... "and also.. the killer wasn't Shuichi then?"

"Nope! We all came to the right conclusion earlier when I said that it was one of the Ai siblings. It's obviously Rei Ai." I smirked.

"Do you have any proof?!" Mana shouted.

"Indeed I do~!" I pulled out a bag with a pun in. "This gun was in a bin on the diving board along with a checkered piece of cloth." I pulled out another bag. "The murderer couldn't have been me because I hate checkered patterns."

"But you're literally wearing checker-" I interrupted Yoshimasa.

"I'm wearing black and white. This is black and purple. The same fabric as Monolie's scarf."

Everyone's attention turned to the purple Monokub. "I definitely did it! But I didn't put the Kokichi Mask on him" Mono'lied'.

"So... Someone else killed Hawa.. and monolie put the mask on him!" Shuichi said.

"And that person was the owner of this gun. While you were all investigating the room."

I ran out the room, hoping to find more clues to help Shuichi. I wanted to help him as much as I could so I wanted to think outside the box.

I looked around but couldn't find any clues that could link to Hawa's death. Then I found myself in the dorms. I looked in all of them. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then I looked in Rei's room.

"Kokichi? What are you doing here?" Rei said, slamming a draw shut and hiding his check with his hand.

"It's Hawa... she's dead. I came to get you and Mana" I lied. Well I kinda didn't. I came for clues and him slamming that door sure was suspicious.

"Hawa!! I'll go and get Mana." And with that he ran out the room.

I took this as an opportunity to look at what he was hiding in the draw. It was a gun, with spatters of blood. When I picked it up and looked at the bullets, there were 3, but 4 spaces for bullets.

"And that concludes my reasoning! I still can't figure out why Monolie was after me though.." I concluded.

"....b-but..." Rei was completely speechless.

"Come on Texas boy! Tell us you didn't kill Hawa!" Takeo shouted. "And don't think about lying to me or I'll shut your head off with a katana!"

Rei stayed silence and played with his sleeves. His sisters face growing with concern. "Rei...? Y-you didn't... right?" Silence.

"... let's run over what we've found.." Shuichi started explaining the whole story. "And so the victim, Hawa, was shot by the Culprit. And considering there's only one person in here with access to guns.. we can conclude that the killer was none of them Ai, Rei."

The room remained silence. Only to be interrupted by Mana crying.


"....I'm sorry Mana..." Rei's podium was pulled forward. "I killed Hawa..."

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