The Texus Way

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Shuichis POV

We all had to choose our votes.

To be honest, I was quite proud of my love. He managed to think outside the box and do something I wouldn't have predicted. Bringing the murder weapon to a trial was definitely a good idea. I should write that one down for next time. Also, he managed to throw suspension on himself as he did in the last game.

I put my vote in. Of course I was going to pick Rei. But something in me wants something else...

"Everyone's Votes are in!!!!" Monokuma shouted. "13 Votes for Rei Ai, 2 votes for Kokichi Ouma!"

"What?!? Who voted for me!?" Kokichi said. "I thought you cared about me..." tears fell down his face. "WAAAAAAAHHHH"

"You're a liar Monokuma... YOURE ALL LIARS! MY BROTHER WOULDNT KILL ANYTONE!!" Mana shouted.

We all left our podiums. I stood next to Kokichi who 'somehow' stopped crying automatically. Of course I voted for Kokichi. And it was a given that Mana would have voted to either me or Kokichi. She wouldn't vote for her brother... which makes me love this even more. I can already feel the despair!

"I can now finally confirm the one who killed Hawa was non other the Rei Ai, the Ultimate Sheriff!!" Monokuma happily shouted.

"N-no..." Mana stuttered. "That isn't true!! There must be a mistake!"

"Mana... I know you're hurt but it's not a lie. If Monokuma says it was Rei, it was Rei. Remember what it says on the monopad? Monokuma can't lie." Gai explained. "The stars have chosen their place in the galaxy, the murderer chose to murder. That's how it goes.."

"Look Mana I'm sorry..." Rei butted in. "I love you.."

"No Rei... don't go... please..." Mana was about to hug him but was interrupted by everyone's favourite bear.

"Let's give it everything we've got! IIIITTTSSS PUNISHMENT TIMMEEEE!!"

"NO!" Mana screamed.

All of a sudden, the Monokubs appeared behind Rei. MonoLie held a rope which he threw around Rei's waist and dragged him to the punishment.

The punishment was set in the Wild West. We were all pushed to watch from the side lines. Rei was on a stand, a rope around his neck and a trap door which he was standing on. Monolie was next to him, holding a leaver which was to the trap door.

Monokuma pulled out a gun and started shooting. Shooting in places that wouldn't kill someone but would have hurt like hell. Rei stayed silent, wincing in pain every time a bullet hit him.

"I CANT SIT HERE AND WATCH THIS!!" Mana jumped down from the side lines and tried to get to Rei.

When she reached Rei, she gripped on to him, some of the bullets also hitting her causing her to scream in pain. All of a sudden Monolie pulled the leaver causing the Ai siblings to fall. Mana falling straight down into a pit and her brother hanging by the neck. Monolie started laughing, ending his laugh with 'neeheehee'

We were all put back into the school, we were in the sports hall. Mana was lying on the floor, crying, covered in both her blood and her brothers. I hugged Kokichi and put my head in his hair to prevent my smile from showing. I forces tears out my eyes so I didnt seem suspicious.

"Don't worry Saihara chan..." Kokichi hugged back.

"You...." Mana mumbled. She sat up and looked myself and Kokichi. I moved myself away from him. "You... you have no right to be called a detective or a supreme leader... killing innocent people.."

"You see here Mana-Banana. We didn't kill anyone. Or anyone innocent. It was all Monokuma!" Kokichi explained, placing a hand on his hip. "I had no part in the killing of Hawa or Rei."

"But that still doesn't explain the Kokichi mask. If my luck is correct, I think that the mastermind is after Hokie-Koki." Yoshimasa said. She's close.. but not close enough..

"Will you stop it with the master mind shit!!?" Akihiko shouted. "We all know it's Kokichi!"

"Don't point fingers!!" Gai responded. "We have no actual evidence that Kokichi is the mastermind! We know now if we blame someone for something they haven't done or who they aren't, we all die! We can't blame anyone because if we're wrong it costs our lives."

"We don't need to blame anyone..." Mana got up, blood still draining from her arm. "We don't even need to make assumptions..." she put on a sarcastic smile. "Because our Truth telling Detective and his Lying boyfriend will find out who he is."

"Hey! W-we're not dating!" Kokichi shouted.

"Lair." And with that, Mana left the room.

Mana is perfect... she's perfect for this game.

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