Kokichis Motive

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Kokichi's POV

It had been about a week since I had arrived home. My mother and 'boyfriend' were always with me. Shuichi was usually the closest though.

The marks on my neck had finally disappeared earlier today so it was safe for me to go outside without my scarf. Which was a huge relief considering we were having a heat wave.

"Hokie Koki!" I heard my mother shout. I ran downstairs to see her standing in front of the TV, smiling. "Do you think your ready to go back to school?"

"A-ah... Uh... school..? I don't..." whenever I heard the word 'school' it gave me the creeps. The killing games had given me pretty bad anxiety and I honestly couldn't stand going back to hopes peak.

"Come on Kokichi. We'll have the same classes, same periods, same lunch... you can't hide from education forever..." Shuichi said, hugging me from behind. "And besides, the killing game has stopped for a year now because of... the mess we made."

Well that's a relief, knowing I wouldn't get dragged into another killing game.

"C-c-can't I just be homeschooled...?" I stuttered. My pre-game self was starting to show. Damn.

"Well... we can get you a tutor... I understand completely Koki. I wouldn't want to go back to a place I nearly died in." She sighed but as if a light bulb appeared on her head, she got a realisation. "Are you only saying that so you can sleep in and hug Shuichi in bed more often?"

A huge blush spread across my face. "N-n-no! It's just I don't want to go back to hopes peak and-" I was interrupted by a quick peck Shuichi's lips on mine.

"Calm down." He said. "If it's ok with you, can I join too? After the killing games, I want to protect him." I heard my mum laugh and a hum in agreement came from her lips.

I don't know why but my mum had grown an odd liking to Shuichi. After Shuichi explained what happened in the killing game, how he was forced to be a mastermind and the flashback lights, my mum had respected him.

I was even more confused considering my mum had watched both the killing games I had participated in. She knew Shuichi was a murderer but she trusted him to protect me.

"Oh and Shuichi." My mum asked, knocking the thoughts out my head.

"Yes Miss Ouma?" He asked nicely.

"Please, call me Kanami" She smiled. "And thank you so much for protecting my son..."

Shuichi smiled sweetly. "I don't deserve thanks..."He walked away. And I ran after him.

We got to my room, shutting and locking the door. He pinned me up against the door. "Ouma..." I looked up at him. He was... crying?

"Shuichi? Are you ok?" I put a hand on his cheek, wiping away one of his many tears falling down his cheek.

"I-I'm Sorry... ab-about the killing games..." he blurted out. It was a sincere apology... I could tell... "I didn't know it would be you! I-I-I didn't know you would be in the games..."

"Shhh... Shuima.. it's ok." I plastered on a smile. "Mourning about killing games is so last week." I mimicked Mius tone gaining a laugh from Shuichi.

"You don't have to pretend to love me anymore either, Kokichi." He said. I could feel the guilt dwell up inside me.

It's true I didn't feel like I could love him before but now I was genuinely falling falling for a man who put me through so much pain.

"Who said I was pretending?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"I-I don't know... it's just you always seem to be a very suspicious and untrustworthy person at times a-a-And pretending to love me could be one of t-those.." he stuttered. I couldn't help but feel extra guilty. It was my fault in the first place he was doubting my love for him.

"Nooooooo. Shuima! I would never lie to you!" I gave him a kiss.

All of a sudden I felt Shuichis weight fall completely onto my body, causing me to fall to the floor along with himself. "ShuShu?!" I tried feeling for a pulse. There was a pulse.. a very weak one.

"Kokichi..." He looked up at me and smiled.

"S-s-s-Shuichi!! No no no no! Don't! Y-y-y-you can't!" I felt tears run down my face.

His smile turned into a smirk. A smirk turned into giggles... giggles turned to demonic laughter... "Use this as a motive."

Then I woke up.

Danganronpa V4 (Mastermind Shuichi X Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now