Delusional Personalities!

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3rd Person.

It was the next day, early in the morning. Everyone of the remaining students were sat around the table, expect for Mana and Kokichi. It was mostly silent. Gai And Hana were in the corner talking about stars and plants. Bunko was writing a poem about Luck. Shuichi was sat at the very end of the table, holding a four leaf clover.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal the two who were missing.

Mana Ai, dressed with her hair down and a mask covering her mouth and nose. It had a zip where you would expect a mouth to be. She wore dark green clothes and a hat.

Kokichi Ouma, Dressed like royalty. A bow in his hair, his scarf tied in a bow which was placed around his neck. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a navy formal vest on top, with a diamond rose peaking out the pocket on the left side of his chest.

"Good morning, all.." Mana said, quietly yet dramatically.

"Good Morning, Everybody! Might I say you all look amazing today." Kokichi smiled nicely.

Everyone stared at them blankly. "Uhh... what's with the mask Mana..?" Akihiko asked, standing up and walking towards her.

"I have decided to make a promise to my self and my dear brother! I shall send him 100 friends... only the nicest males can proceed into my brothers friend group!" She posed dramatically.

"By send you don't mean... murder do ya...?" Gai looked at them concerned.

"Don't worry. Not many of you will be going to see him. You're all so heartless and cruel. My brother only deserves the best. Like... like Shuichi Saihara for instance!" Mana invisibility drooled at Shuichi.

"Stop! That's not how a woman should act. I'm my country, woman shall sit and watch anime for at least 3 hours a day. Then they shall read some stories about the finest of cereal killers!" Kokichi places his hands on his hips. "However they do not murder anyone! That is the man's job. For a woman to murder would be as bad as a man kissing a virgin in my country!"

They all looked at Kokichi, shocked yet concerned.

Shuichis POV

So he really went all out... After our conversation with Junko, we had decided that Kokichi would receive the same personality as Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess. Manas was already determined. She got Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist.

I know Kokichi had the memories of Sonia but I honestly didn't expect his impression of her personality to be this accurate. Especially considering he was just pretending.

"Now. I understand there is not enough food for me. So as they say, If they can't have bread, give them cake!" Kokichi walks out. I ran after him and we went to the kitchen.

"So...?" I said. Kokichi looked at me.

"I hate this outfit!" Liar. Kokichi went tot the fridge and got a slice of cake out. He began eating it. "But that's just a lie."

"You think you can hold this up until the next trial?" I leaned against the wall and he nodded at me. He handed me some cake. "You're going a good job so far."

"Thank you sir. But you shall bow down to me." He giggled. "If you don't mind, I'm going to the library to find a book about Genocide Jack or Sparkling Justice." He skipped out.

I honestly dreaded to think what I had done to Mana. But she seems to be as incestuous as Kiyo already. Sending her deceased brother 100 friends in a school where only 13 people remained.

"hello Shuichi Saihara." I turned to the door to look at Mana. "You really are the only one here who I can trust to send to my brother!" She grabbed me by the neck and pinned me up against the wall. "Oh How Rei will be so proud of me, and so happy that I sent him such an amazing boy to befriend!" (Ngl. I nearly put Boyfriend.)

"Excuse me!" Kokichi walked in a slapped Mana on the head with a book. "I would not enjoy finding my lovers dead body on the ground, especially if he was killed by a pervert like you!" Mana walked out, growling at Kokichi.

Later that Day.

We had all gathered in the Ultimate Florists lab to do whatever we wanted. Kokichi had brought a pic nick basket and a blanket.

Everyone was extremely concerned by Mana and Kokichi's new behaviour but it seemed everyone had grown to like Kokichi better then they had to Mana's.

"Ok everyone! As they say in Italy, è tempo di merenda! So everybody tuck into whatever you want!" Kokichi clapped his hands together. Me and him laid all the food out. Everyone began eating and they all seemed to be having a good time. Even Mana and Akihiko looked like they were having fun.

I wrapped an arm around The Supreme Princess and pulled him closer. "Since when did you know Italian?"

"In my country, we learn to speak at least 36 different languages. This includes Finnish, Italian, Dutch, Greek, Japanese and many more." He kissed my cheek and offered some cake.

"Ok... as much as I hate to admit it... I'm actually enjoying myself." Akihiko said out of the blue. "I mean... with Kokichi acting all nice, we don't have to worry about anything bad happening."

"But... aren't you at least a little curious on why Kokichi and Mana are behaving so differently. There are so many annotations to why but I were to say this is another motive." Bunko thought aloud

"Puhuhuhu! You're right!" Monokuma appeared right in front of me, causing me to choke on my drink and fall back. "Sorry Shuichi. Anyways! You're motive for this chapter is what I call Delusional Personalities! It completely changes the persons personality and thought process to someone else's."

Gai looked concerned. "So... Kokichi and Mana have had their personalities changed completely?!"

"Well, not completely. They still contain assets to their original personality but it's mostly over thrown by their new one! Also it's contagious. So good luck out there!" And with that the headmaster left.

"It's... contagious? So does that mean that these personalities are like a disease?!" Takeo shouted.

Yes. Maybe Monokuma got a little lazy with the motives and kind of made a weirder version of the despair disease. However to easy the process, we use flash back lights instead of an actual way of spreading diseases. Meaning Monokuma would have to use the flash back light on whoever got closest to the person with the 'disease'.

"I hate to say this but I have a feeling a Shuichi will be getting my so called 'disease.' He has been the closest to me and Mana after all and I believe we are both the infected." Kokichi said, scooting closer to me.

"Ugh. I think I'm gonna leave." Akihiko left, As well as everyone else, apart from me, Hana and Kokichi.

Hana threw a pair of keys at me and they ended up hitting my head. "I'm sorry Shuichi!! But can you lock up my lab for me? I want to check on Gai." I nodded. She smiled and left the room, leaving me and the Ultimate Supreme Princess alone.

"You can drop the personality now" I kissed his ear. He hummed. And pushed me down onto the floor. "K-Kokichi!"

"I want to give you my disease Saihara~Chan!" He smirked and kissed me.

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