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Kokichi's POV

When I woke up, I wasn't in the same room as before. I was on a bed. My hands were free from chains and my eyes weren't blind folded. I looked around. It was plain white. The only thing with any colour to it was a security camera that was flashing red.

Was... yesterday all a dream? Just like the other motive? Yeah that sounds about right! Haha! I knew Shumai couldn't be dead. H-he would never die.

"Kokichi." I looked at Togami. He was the same as Ever. So maybe it wasn't a dream. "You've been out for 3 days. Is the despair of loosing a man like him really worth it? I mean, Hajime didn't cry when he found out his boyfriend had died on the Neo program."

"Me and Shuichi are different. You wouldn't understand what I'm going through because you haven't lost Makoto... yet." I smirked at the last part.

"I still have that shock collar so if you don't shut up, I'll shut you up myself." Togami glared at me. "Any way, here." He put some bread in front of me.

I looked at it suspiciously but I was rrrreeeeaaallllyyyyy hungry. So I ate it anyways. "Is this your plan? Kidnapping me in hopes I forget Shushu?" I asked while still eating.

"We've told you like 5 times already. You're here to get your pre-game personality and to remove any memory of Shuichi." He said, sternly. He scared me sometimes.

"What if I don't want it though? What if I wanted to remember everything? You can't just take someone's thoughts away from them." I finished my bread and looked at him dead in the eyes. I expected him to have a blunt and sorta cruel attitude but was he really that cruel that he kept me locked up and hurt me if I didn't do what he wanted?

"You have no choice." He said, as monotone as usual. "You're not leaving here until Makoto comes in with him."

"Can I ask who the fuck him is?" I smiled.

"You'll know. I don't like who it is but I'm sure you'll want to see him. He'll temporarily be here to get your pre-game personality back." Togami sat on the bed.

"That doesn't answer my question." I crossed my legs and folded my arms.

"Do you have an eating disorder?" Togami looked at me.

"That's a bit random and forward, don't you think?"

"It's just you were really light to carry here. You're also below the average weight for your size."

"You calling me short!?!"

"I'm calling you anorexic."

The door opened. Makoto walked in, smiling. For a Lucky Student, he sure is harsh. I mean, locking a poor innocent child up in a building! "Ouma-kun. You're up."

"Can you tell your boyfriend to fuck off? He's asking personal questions." I forced tears to fall down my face.

"It's kinda his job. And h-hes not my boyfriend!! Get out, Togami!!" Naegi blushed.

"Ok, honey." Togami left the chat- I mean room.

"sorry about Togami. It's just I have someone to show you. You might be happy to see him." Makoto held out his hand. I got off the bed and took it.

He lead me to a room with a bunch of wires and a large glass box in it.

"After seeing your reaction to loosing Shuichi, we agreed that putting you in a virtual world world would help bring your Pre-game personality back. However it would not help your feelings towards Shuichi. But I don't think that's really a problem anymore." Makoto said. "I can't force your emotions away without using a flash back light but I don't want to go to such extremes."

"So I just have to get into that box and put the headphones on?" I let go of his hand and made my way to the box. It had headphones in. I opened it up and walked inside of it and put the headphones on.

The box on the inside was completely different. It was like the Matrix in real life. "Ok Kokichi. You'll only be in the system for a little bit. We'll take you out in 3 hours. Got it" Makoto's voice spoke through the speakers. I nodded. "Ok. Start the system!"

The matrix wall formed into something completely different. It was... grass? A blue sky? It looked beautiful. Almost as good as my dream that I had. I looked up on the top of a hill and saw a easily recognisable face.


These people had to be messing with my head now. First they want me to forget Shuichi and now they want me to see him again? This is just cruel... but at least they're thinking about what I like.

"...Kokichi?" He ran down to me and hugged me. My eyes went wide. I could... feel him. I could feel his heart beat and his breathing so smoothly. I hugged him back and buried my face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry I failed... I-I'm so sorry..."

"N-n-no. It's ok... I should have been there to protect you... I should have been there to save you." I started crying. "I love you s-So much Shumai..."

As a tear fell to the floor, my surroundings changed and Shuichi disappeared. The room was grey and had machinery in it. I looked up from where I was.

The Hydraulic Press.

It came crashing down onto me. And I felt it. I felt every bone get crushed. I couldn't move and I felt my breathing lighten.

Did they... send me into a death trap?

"We're Sorry Kokichi. But because you probably won't turn back, we need to rid of your despair in a different way." Makoto spoke through the headphones. "Goodbye Ouma"

Makoto's POV

The glass box was covered in blood from the inside as the hydraulic press crashed onto Kokichi.

"So you did it? You gave up on him." Togami asked, walking in and looking at the box.

"I didn't give up. I did what was right for the greater good. I realised after putting him in there, he would have avenged Shuichis death and continued as a mastermind." I explained.

"Well... I suppose we should go and get the next target." He said. I nodded and put a radio up to my face.

"Bring Mana Ai into the lab please."

Danganronpa V4 (Mastermind Shuichi X Kokichi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat