The Next Motive

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Kokichi's POV

I look at Mana while the execution takes place. I couldn't help but cry as I saw the press fall into the same hole that Yoshimasa fell in. Manas face was just emotionless. She just basically murdered her friend while trying to kill me.

I was taken back the the trial grounds by Monokuma. I felt my self collapse onto the floor.

I had no words. I felt... despair... nothing but despair in a game of truth and lies.

The one I thought I could trust. The only one I could care about! The one I bought I could tell everything... planned to kill me and was murdered before my eyes. I should have just killed my self when I had the chance. No one would have died if I just let Kaito kill me in the 53rd game. I should have told everyone that Shuichi was the mastermind when I got the motive!

I punched the floor. "Kokichi...?" I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Mana.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I slapped her in the face. "WHY DID YOU LET HER KILL KISHO!" I cried out. I punched her. "WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME WHEN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO!" I pulled out a knife. She looked at me in shock. "WHY DIDNT YOU-!" I felt something hit the back of my neck and fell to the floor. I didn't faint but I think I got tased.

"I'm sorry..." to what I only could assume was Shuichi, he spoke to me and pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry this happened... I-I'm Sorry I Put you in this mess..." I hugged back. Slowly regaining the ability to not have a spass attack.

"It's ok... it's fine..." I held on tight as I felt him pick me up.


Shuichi kisses my ear to help calm me down. He knew that's where I was sensitive so he knew it would calm me down. I hummed in pleasure.

"You feeling better yet?" He asked, sitting me down onto his lap. I simply smiled and nodded. "Good... So... why'd you try to.... die?"

"I've had enough... that's why." I sighed. "I know... you're the mastermind and I just feel like it's too much to handle. Why couldn't I be as confident as I was in V3..." I buried by face in his shoulder. "And what I find most confusing is that I still love you..."

"Don't worry Kokichi... I would ever let you die. Even if despair is what I truly long for. I can find Despair in someone else. I just don't want you to die..." Shuichi lifted my head a kissed me softly. I kissed back.

How on earth did I feel safe in the arms of an Ultimate Despair? I was originally fighting against despair and now I'm basically in love with it, feeling it 24/7.

I pulled away from the kiss. "Wow, Saihara-Chan, we act like an old married couple!"

"There's the Kokichi I know." He smiled.

"Neeheehee... y'know in my motive, I saw the outside world and it was beautiful. I was with you and my mother... We, Uh, y'know... and I was happy." I blushed at the last bit. "I know it wasn't real but seeing the outside world like that was better then what I used to remember."

Then Shuichis pocket began vibrating. He took out a... a flip phone? It was pink and covered in stickers.

"Hello?" Shuichi put the phone up to his ear. "Oh hi Junko..."

"Nice going Shuichi! The viewers are filled with absolute despair after Yoshimasa's death. They seem to be more interested in Kokichi and Mana now." Junko explained. "Which is ok I guess... people are kinda bored of you being the mastermind though..."

"Well I'm sorry that you made me do another game." Shuichi glared.

"It's such Dramatic Irony." Junko laughed. "Anyways, we're going to need you to flash back light Kokichi again and Mana."

"Wait... why?" Shuichi said.

"It's for the next motive."

"Why can't it just be Mana?"

"It could be but it wouldn't be as interesting. We could have Kokichi pretend to be flash back lighted. I do believe he's aware of the mastermind and the killing games." Junko thought aloud.

"I'm here y'know..." I said. "I will lie about it but it depends what the effect is..."

"Personality swap." Junko said. My eyes widened slightly. "You don't have to have Mana's personality. It would be intreating if your personality changed with someone from a previous game."

"Nagito Komaeda." I responded almost instantly.

"Wouldn't that be a little obvious? I mean you and Komaeda are all ready alike. How about-"

And with that, I no longer had the personality of Kokichi Ouma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader. Instead I had the personality of-

Danganronpa V4 (Mastermind Shuichi X Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now