And another one.

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Shuichis POV

It had been days since the last death occurred and nothing had happened. No one dead, missing, feeling despair, absolutely nothing. And we only had a few hours until everyone would be killed for not murdering anyone.

"Shuichi! You're going to have to push someone over the edge. We can't have another failed killing game." Monokuma complained.

"Look, I'm sure someone will murder someone else soon. Just make sure Kokichi stays safe." I explained, staring intensely at the screen.

Kokichi was currently hanging out with the Ultimate Luck. She reminds me of one of Junko's games. Danganronpa 2. It's probably just the Ultimate but she does remind me of Nagito for some reason.

"Shuichi, you know we can't protect Kokichi. The best thing we can do is make it seem like Kokichi was killed" Monokuma said. "We can't just stop a murder from happening."

All of a sudden the camera flicked to something else. It was something I was definitely not expecting.

Kokichi's POV

"-And you see, it wasnt even my child!!" We both laughed. Yoshimasa was a really nice girl. She was funny too. However I wasn't interested in her romantically. I mean, I'm just a gay clown.


"What on earth was that?!" Yoshimasa shouted.

We both began running to where the sound came from. When we found the room we realised it was... the Ultimate Supreme Leaders lab.

"It's locked Kokichi! Open it!" Yoshimasa commanded. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. Walking in, I saw a sight I would have never expected to see.

It was Mai, the Ultimate Dancer.

She had a microphone shoved in her mouth and a clarinet stuck through her chest. The clarinet seemed to have a blade on the end of it. On the floor where the words written in blood, 'This World Is Mine.- Kokichi Ouma'

"O-o-Oh my god!!" Yoshimasa screamed. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from throwing up.

Suddenly, the speakers went off. "It looks like a body has been discovered in the Ultimate Supreme Leader's lab! You have 3 hours to exam the body before the class trial begins!" Monokuma shouted.

About 5 minutes later everyone was in the room with us. Shuichi was holding me tightly.

"Ok. Now you can't tell me this wasn't Kokichi! It's in his lab, his name, his handwriting." Akihiko shouted.

"How do you know his hand writing?" Gai asked.

"Look on the papers over there. That's Kokichi's handwriting." The prince explained.

It's true this was my hand writing but I didn't do it.


We all went to the fountain. Everyone part from Shuichi and Yoshimasa was blaming me. We all got into the lift, taking our placing that we chose when we were on our way to the first Trial.

Although... that trial didn't seem like my first. And bringing the evidence seemed to me like me correcting a past mistake. Also my dream last night didn't help with my confusion.

"Never Trust Anyone. Even If They Search For The Truth, They Will Always Be A Liar Themself." The unknown Ultimate explained. We were alone in my room.

"Oh I think I know that, Rantaro." I smiled, placing my arms behind my neck.

"Kokichi you don't understand. I mean don't trust anyone. Someone here is evil. I don't know who yet but I'm going to find out." He explained.

"How do you know this exactly..?"

".....I'll explain later. I promise. I'm just gonna go to the library... there's something in there I need to check out."

It had been about 10 minutes since Rantaro had left. My thoughts where I interrupted by Shuichi running down the halls, soon followed by Kaede, the Ultimate Pianist. I ran after them. We ran into the library. A bookcase closed itself and on the floor was a shot put ball... with Rantaro's corpse on the ground, blood spewing out of his head.

"Kokichi? We can get out now." Yoshimasa interrupted my thoughts. "You've been stood there for like 5 minutes. Not even Shuichi could get you out of your thought."

"Oh. I was just thinking about who to kill next! Neeheehee!" I skipped out the elevator, my mind filled with the name 'Rantaro Amami' And 'Kaede Akamatsu'... I need to ask Monokuma about them.

I stood at my podium. "Alrighty! You all know the rules do let's get this class trial in session!

Danganronpa V4 (Mastermind Shuichi X Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now