Twinkle Little Depair

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Kokichi's POV

"What would I do to you?" He put his hand to his cheek. "Well... it depends on exactly what you tell them. You could tell them I'm the mastermind and that would be that and I'd get killed via punishment. But then again, you might tell them everything you know about me being the mastermind, then I'd kidnap you and never let you talk to anyone or see the mother fucking day light again." He said, the last part mildly aggressive.

"I wouldn't mind being tied up and at your mercy, Saihara~Chan." I hummed in response. This caused Shuichi to chuckle.

"That honestly wasn't the reaction I thought I would get."

"What? Did you want me to get down on my knees." I got down on my knees. "And beg for my life?"

"Something like that..." he smiled.

"P-please Saihara~chan! I won't tell anyone! J-just please don't kidnap me!! I-I-I'll do anything!" I held onto his hips. If anyone had walked in right down, they would think something... different... would be happening. "I won't tell anyone! I swear!! I promise you with all my heart I will never tell a soul!"

He kneeled down to my level and stroked my chin. "I know you won't tell anyone, Koki." He kissed my jaw.

I brought his lips to mine and kissed him deeply, sticking my tongue in his mouth. He pulled me closer, onto his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He held onto my waist.

Times like this made me think about everything that had happened so far. In V3, I was the hated character of the group. I was hurt, shouted at, lied to. I lied to them, made them hurt other people. I caused so many deaths. Then in the 6th trial, Shuichi revealed himself to be the murderer of Kaede Akamastu and the mastermind of the killing game. He then proceeded to kill everyone, except of me and himself, forcing me to watch while trapped in his arms.

Then V4 came around. I was forced to join the game but without any previous memories on the killing game. Then in the 2nd trial, I suddenly remembered everything. Not just about myself but of everyone in the past killing games.

I pulled away from the kiss. "Shumai...? Did my flash back light malfunction?" I asked. He looked at me, confused. "Like... was I supposed to remember everything that had happened?"

"In all honesty, you were only meant to remember V3 but not the mastermind. But the memories of V3 should have been altered into you dying under that press instead of Kaito." He pulled me closer so our chests were touching. "But you should have forgotten all those memories by now. So I guess it did malfunction."

"So why am I in love with you?" I asked bluntly.

"Are you saying you don't love me?" He looked sad.

"N-no! It's just the flash back lights can create new memories and new emotions. So I don't know if my genuine love for you is because of the flash back lights or..." I was interrupted by a kiss.

"Look Kokichi, If you didn't genuinely love me, you would have successfully killed yourself. You would have told everyone I was the mastermind. You wouldn't be here right now."

"....nice monologue." I laughed. "But, yeah, that makes sense. I've kinda already seen what you would do if I had died."

He kisses me again, somehow pulling us even closer. He put his hand up my shirt at the back causing my breathe to hitch. "Cute..." he whispered into the kiss.

"I think that the prince would not agree if his floor was all messy." We broke the kiss and looked at the door. It was Bunko. I slid off Shuichis lap and stood up.

"Sir Banarah! What a pleasant surprise." I tilted my head slightly. Shuichi stood up and grabbed my hand. "How long have you been listening into our chat? Because I will have you executed if you heard more then you should have." My expression changed to my creepiest expression.

"I just got here when Saihara called you cute.." he blushed slightly and shifted his feet. "Please don't execute me,"

My face went back to its original self. "I won't, unless you're lying. Lying is strictly forbidden where I come from!"

"But you're... nevermind... Uh I was just gonna ask you two to come to the Ultimate Astrologists lab. We'll be star gazing." He explained.

"It's... day time though? I believe stars are only visible at night." I stated.

"You'll understand when you get there, come on!" He walked out.

Me and Shuichi followed him all the way to the Ultimate Astrologists lab. We walked in and saw everyone there.

"Homosexuals have entered the chat." Takeo muttered.

"Good afternoon everybody!" I smiled. Acting nice to everyone Sure is a pain at times.

"Alrighty! Now everyone is here, we can..." Gai went to towards the light switch and turned it off. The room was pitch black apart from the twinkling artificial stars on the ceiling.

I moved closer to Shuichi and rested my head on his shoulder. "It's beautiful..." I said.

"I kno- AH." Suddenly, me and Shuichi felt to the ground.

"Is everything ok?!" Takeo shouted. "I-I can't see!"

"Where's my cat gone!!" Tori panicked.

"Is anyone hurt? The lights won't go back on!!" Gai said.

"Brother! Tell me what is going on!" Mana shouted.

"Is everyone ok?!" Bunko shouted.

"Shuichi?! Sh-Shuichi..!" I panicked. I put my head into his chest and felt something. A... liquid of some sorts.

"Puhuhuhu! Congratulations! You have all successfully won Danganronpa V4!"

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