Why is this so familiar..?

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Shuichis POV

This death was definitely going to be a tuff one to explain but not give away immediately. Of course I knew who killed Mai. And MonoLie was the one who wrote the little message that was claimed to be written by Kokichi.

The murderer was extremely cleaver about this murder as well.. they thought it out so well. And just to their luck, it worked out perfectly..

We were half way through the trial and it had gotten no where. The blame was being placed onto Kokichi the entire time and it occasionally was placed on me and Yoshimasa.

"I think it was Utano!" Gai pointed.

"Explain how it was me!" Utano shouted.

"You said yourself you play clarinet! And you're the Ultimate Singer so the microphone makes sense!" Gai countered.

Yoshimasa butted into the conversation. "Gai, you said it yourself that we can't point fingers! If we get it wrong we all die expect for the murderer and the culprit!"

"Then it was Kokichi." Mana glares at my Kokichi. How dare she.

"How about we settle this with a debate?" Takeo suggested. All our podiums rose up.

"Well it couldn't have been me because I was baking with Sato." Gai explained.

"I was walking around the school halls. No where near the labs." Kisho said.

"Stop explaining where you were. The point is it was in Kokichi's lab!" Mana shouted.

"I agree with Mana. The only one who can get into Kokichi's lab is Kokichi. Not to mention it was locked when we got there." Akihiko agreed with Mana.

"Lyings my thing!" Kokichi shouted. All of the podiums went down. "It's true the only student that can unlock my lab is me. But no one said the head master or the mastermind couldn't get in."

Damn. Kokichi caught me out.

"So you're saying the mastermind or Monokuma killed Mai?" Mana sassily asked. She has a huge hatred for Kokichi, doesn't she?

"Well not exactly. What I'm saying is that the culprit had help from Monokuma." How is he so good at finding the truth? He's like the barrier of truth and lies.

"Then... the culprit is narrowed down to the people who weren't with other people." I explained. I knew that this was not the truth. In fact, far from it.

"No.. what if the culprit planned this. If I am correct, Kokichi hadn't been in his lab at all today. However I did see that it was unlocked earlier when I was walking round." Kisho said.

"Wait.. didn't you say earlier that you didn't go anywhere near the labs... and you can't see if a door is unlocked unless you open it." Mana asked. So they're getting somewhere.

"To speed the process up, I'll give you a clue! The only 4 people who went around the dorms earlier today were Yoshimasa, Kokichi, Shuichi and Gai!" Monokuma interrupted. This would certainly speed things up.

"So your saying that they were all there before the scream? How early?" Akihiko asked.

"To be exact, Kokichi was in Shuichis lab with Shuichi 2 hours before, Yoshimasa was in her lab around the same time and Gai was in her lab about half an hour before the scream!" Monokuma explained.

He could tell I was getting bored. And I'm sure he was bored as well...

"Well.. So it narrowed down to 4." Sato stated.

"No. It's narrowed down to 2." Yoshimasa said. "I met up with Kokichi in Shuichis lab. Kokichi was still sleeping when I got in there. It was early. About 9am. And then I was in my lab all morning. If you don't believe me, ask Monokuma for security footage."

"That is true... Yoshimasa's lab is next to mine and I didn't hear her move out the dorm until nine." Gai said. Looking down.

"Which gives me even more reason to have you in my box of suspects. When me and Kokichi left Shuichis lab, so did Shuichi. He went to the library. I know because we walked him there ourselves."

Kokichi's POV

Library... Rantaro Amami... I can't handle this... why is this so familiar..? I hardened my grip on my podium and my vision began to blur.

"Lets go over what we've found... I think I've come to a solid conclusion." Shuichi started his monologue. While he was explaining how Mai died, I couldn't help but feel my consciousness slipping out from me. "So the culprit wa-"

"Shuichi stop for a second." I think it was Yoshimasa who said it..

"Huh?" He responded. My grip was so tight that my knuckles were turning as white as snow. My legs felt weak. I could barely see. "Kokichi!" I felt my self fall as I completely lost consciousness.

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