I | Excruciatingly Electrifying

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𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

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      "Good evening #726, how are you feeling?" Hannah's hazel eyes glazed over, seeing beyond as the newest addition to Whittingham Asylum made the mistake of touching her right shoulder.

      The memories hit her immediately, assaulting her senses as visions of a poorly treated wife and three children came to mind. He had cheated on her, countless times. The vacation home he purchased five summer's ago was for his lovers and the materials he used to pleasure his guests would leave unwanted whelps upon the victims. Every woman left desperately wishing they could turn back time and decline the suggestive offer; however, none of them would heal from the scarring – adventurous evening.

      Hannah returned back to the present, not even ten seconds later. Her disoriented features scrunched as she frowned deeply. She felt every emotion ingrained in his past and it only made her hate him more. She tried to lift her hand; yet, found it restrained to the chair she was forced in.

      "You are a cynical man," She rasped. Her throat screamed for water and every one of her limbs cried out for relief – nourishment. It added to her hostile expression, which aided to the chill uncomfortably running down the Doctor's back at her words.

      He shook it off. The nurses had warned him of the Brandon's. How they spoke of things only demons themselves could whisper in their ears. They were evil, the true cynical ones. Luckily, Doctor Rhine's was certified in the practices of beating the dog into submission. He knew exactly what these ladies needed and then the institution will be singing his praises for a job well done.

      "Hush now, dear. If you're good, this will be over quicker." He called his assigned nurse, Charlotte, in as he reached for the mouth guard he had on hand. Hannah was far too weak to deign the plastic piece as it was shoved into her mouth. Charlotte tightened the brunette's restraints until she couldn't feel her hands any longer. Which, was a good thing because nurse Charlotte didn't hesitate to stick her with an IV.

      Nurse Charlotte didn't say much but there was no need to. The last time the prudent lady touched Hannah, the brunette was thrusted through a motion picture of her debutant lifestyle. Hair bows, intermediate starvation and golden trophies all gone to waste when her father told her to find a decent profession.

      No one figured Charlotte would go into medicine, but nonetheless it made her father beam with pride. Now, he was planning the next stage of her life, an arranged marriage to a sleazy man who wore a top hat to hide his balding head.

      Poor Miss Charlotte. Then again, Hannah couldn't find it in herself to pity the woman one bit.

      Every time she was put in this chair, she couldn't help but internally panic. Making facial expressions would exuberate too much energy. It was her mind that ran a mile a minute. She felt sweat trickle down her temples as they placed the metal helmet snuggly on her crown. Her heart sped up as it always did, to the point of skipping several beats.

      Why did her family turn their backs on her. Send her here to such a dreadful place. Her father, who she'd thought she could trust only plotted her slaughter. Mary Alice had informed her. And after their birth mother's tragic death, she was sure it was foul play. The eldest twin had foreseen it happen; however, it was after the fact that Hannah saw exactly what her father did and how he did it. She blamed herself for letting it happen and hated herself all the more for ignoring the signs. All Hannah wanted out of life was a decent husband to love her with two children she could shower with affection. She wanted her sister by her side in all her quirky characteristics.

      It was her fault, really. Mary Alice only had a few episodes every now and again. She'd guess someone would win a raffle or how the weather would be pouring rain for five days straight.

      Little things.

      It was Hannah's moments that rapidly drew in unwanted attention. Her zone-outs came on so strong, sometimes she felt as if she was transported to that exact time. They affected her emotions dramatically, especially if her opponents past was traumatic. When she became the talk of the town, her family couldn't stand for it. Soon, people would be calling her a witch and her father couldn't have that.

      Then, Alice's precognition grew stronger. She saw unspeakable things regarding their entire family structure, which only angered their father more for trying to spoil his treacherous plans. So... it turned into a two for one special.

      Hannah did miss her little sister, though. She'd probably never see Cynthia ever again. She was sure these 'treatments' were going to kill her one day. The brunette just prayed Mary Alice would get out before she too perished from the electric chair. The eldest twin had already endured having her head shaved, Hannah couldn't stand another torture technique they planned for her sister.

      "Ready, dear?" It wasn't a question, they'd proceed even if she had the energy to object. Hannah watched stone faced as they pressed a button that started that haunting, whirling sound. Hannah counted like she did every time.

      One Mississippi.

      Two Mississippi.

      Three Mississippi.

      Four Miss–

      The machine sung a high A flat as it sizzled to life. Instantly, she was uncontrollably convulsing. Her nails dug into the wood of the chair, easily finding the pervious grooves from an earlier patient's marks. With a mouth stuffed and locked shut, she could not scream. It was a shame that nurse Charlotte couldn't watch the procedure take place. Look as Hazel eyes rolled back and strands of light brown hair frighteningly turned from brown, to blonde, to platinum on the spot. What a pity Charlotte chose not to witness the foam bubbling up from Hannah's chapped lips.

      She was too weak to stomach the cruelty she put her patients through.

      Fortunately, one pure soul would see to the desperate outcry and make a drastic decision that will change the Brandon's lives forevermore.

Yes, I'm back with Twilight because I can't seem to stray away from my babies.

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