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𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

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      "Good morning, Donna." Hannah beamed brightly as she walked further into the retirement home. Her skin was practically glowing as she gilded in. She wore a bright white sun dress with a baby blue cardigan, ballet flats to match.

      It was two years short of three decades later. The younger of two pixie like women had grown into her vampirism beautifully and gracefully. She was as soft as her human nature, whether she knew it or not. The main difference was that she was free of the judgement, lies and physical restraints that held her back before. A lovely new personality was given room to flourish like a freshly blooming tulip.

      Years after that fateful and dreadful night with Alice in 1920, they moved from place to place. Alice was the main decider of where and when, seeing as she foresaw every decision they would ever make. Hannah just went along for the ride and sewed her roots wherever needed. Like today in Philadelphia.

      "Oh honey, I didn't think I'd see you today. You look beautiful." The elderly woman grinned a toothy smile. Her blue eyes shining like sapphires no matter how concealed they were with thick framed glasses.

      "You know me, Ona, I can't stay away." If she were human, Hannah would've blushed.

      Hannah had developed the habit of involving herself around the elderly. After she was changed, she got more control over her gift. And instead of accidentally opening the flood gates to anyone's past, she could chose when she wanted to have a look. Well, unless she was under emotional duress. Not only had she been able to see the entire past of any one person, she had also begun to have flashes like Alice. Spontaneous and abrupt, the visions of random acts and people throughout history clouded her mind at any given moment. Often times, she felt an onslaught of emotion from each flash of the past depending of the person's eyes she was looking through. However, she never fully understood the intention behind the actions.

      It was simply a movie reel of significant events.

      In turn, she decided to fill her never-ending life with older men and women who've had a more seasoned way of life. It helped her advance with her gift, like exercising for her brain.

      Alice and Hannah weren't too concerned with being inconspicuous. They blended in well enough for two vampires with dazzling golden eyes and flawless features. It all had to do with their lovable charm and innocent expressions. Most of the towns people theorized they were angels sent down to protect the community. And such a theory was only encouraged when Hannah did humble things like spending her afternoons with the elderly people.

      Donna Carrie or Ona, who she so happened to meet first was a sweet; yet, fierce older woman. She was wise beyond her seventy- two years and could check someone if they so much as try to take advantage of her. Upon coming into contact with the woman, she practically relived her life in a effort to understand her characteristics.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞'𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 | Jasper WhitlockWhere stories live. Discover now