▪3 NJ▪

175 10 10

Kim Namjoon
Hey sorry if I woke you but i just wanted to know when you get here tomorrow.


I get there at 1 and then Cami is gonna pick me up and we will hang out then. Then maybe I could take a look at that song of yours.

Kim Namjoon
Great that's fantastic. Now how long will you stay?

Idk a few days maybe a week or 2 now lemme go back to sleep😣😴

Kim Namjoon
Ah that's great.

Kim Namjoon
Okie have a nice sleep for however long your gonna sleep.

Kim Namjoon it's 7 in the morning why are you even up??

Kim Namjoon
Got to practice you know.

Practice what?

Kim Namjoon
Ah nothing..

Gah now this isn't gonna lemme sleep. I knew I should have just ignored your message why didn't I 😭😭

Kim Namjoon
Cause your a kind hearted person haha😂

Dude this is insane I never get up this early. My work starts at 10 am and even that's to early for me. I used to sleep till 11:30 or 1:30 pm when I was younger.

Now look at me I swore I wouldn't get up early for anything. What have I become😭😭😭

Kim Namjoon
Haha. I thought the same at one point in my life but now I get up early and stay up late practicing and no I'm not telling you what.

B-but I wasn't even gonna ask😭

Ok i was I wanna know so bad right now. Just cause you keep mentioning It.😭

Tell mehhh

Kim Namjoon


I'm telling Cami. She's nice and will tell me.😢

Kim Namjoon
Actually in the kind sibling and she's the meanie if I'm not telling than she won't either lol.

Why are you both so meannn😢
I made friends with meanies

W-wait does this mean I'm a  meanie to??

Kim Namjoon
Haha most likely.😂

Nuuuuuu I don't want to be a meanie😣

Kim Namjoon
Haha I've never seen this funny side of you it's very childish.

You did this to me. It's to early for me to be serious. To people or anything at all.

This is the non serious me. I'm always like this at home. Just weird and I'm serious at work and mainly the whole day haha.

If you tell anyone I'm like this your dead got it 💣🗡🔫🔪

Kim Namjoon
Understood ma' m I won't tell a soul. Haha.

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