59 ▪8 TH▪

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Dear diary.

Ever since the incident I've been staying here. I'm practically living in Taehyung's bedroom. I haven't dared to come out yet. I'm to scared to come out and face the other guys.

Because I'm afraid that when I see them. Those awful memories of that night come back. Taehyung has been so sweet to me. His words about that I shouldn't thank him because true friends do things for one another without expecting anything in return not even a simple thank you.

He's been looking out for me. Brining me food and clothes from my house. I haven't been there in a week. He doesn't mind tho and neither do his friends.

There great guys. Most of the time I'm alone tho. Because they have to practice. I'm scared to be alone. Taehyung said he could stay if I really wanted him to.

But I don't want him to miss practice just to stay with me. Even tho I hate being alone and all.

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