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Niha turned to find Arjun holding her hand. She asked him, " What are you doing here,Arjun?"

" First, you have to come with me. Where is your phone?", Arjun asked Niha.

Niha showed her phone. Arjun grabbed her phone and threw it on the ground.

" My phone, Arjun," Niha shouted.

" Come with me." Arjun made Niha sit in his car and drove the car in hurry.

"Arjun, What happened? Why are you in hurry?", Niha questioned.

" You really don't know why?", Arjun questioned Niha.

Niha nodded her head as no.

" Idiot. They are searching for you," Arjun said.

" Who?", Niha asked.

" Didn't you see? The guards are searching for you. What happened while you were coming to hospital?"

" Arjun, you won't believe me if I tell you what I know."

" I will believe you whatever you say. Those people won't search for you without any reason."

" By the way, How do you know?" Niha asked Arjun raising her eyebrows.

" You should have been in CBI. It suits you better, Niha." Niha narrowed her eyes at Arjun.

" I give up. Don't give me that look. I came out searching for you to tell you that some people were searching for the patient whom we admitted by changing name. What about you?"

" They are researching on people by giving unapproved medicine. The arrhythmias we noticed are side effects of those drugs." Niha also showed him the medicines she stole from there.

Arjun suddenly applied brakes which made Niha hit her head to the front. Niha was rubbing her head which was hit to his car.

" How can you tell it so coolly?", Arjun enquired.

" What shall I do then? By now you must have known how much risk is involved as they are searching for me? So, that's the reason why you've thrown my phone as they can't track me. These days your brain is working sharp."

" Thanks to Ananya. She finally accepted me. I am alright now."

" I don't believe you."

" No one can resist my charms. She is also sorry for you as she was the reason behind that. It's not from me. She wanted to you that. She will tell you soon. For now, she doesn't have guts to face you."

" There is no need for that. I didn't have any grudges towards her. By the way where are we going?", Niha questioned Arjun.

" Of course not to your place. They will easily find you there. For now, you will stay at my house."

Niha nodded her head in response, " Give me your phone. Atleast I will tell to..", Niha thought for a second. Arjun raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Sanjay that I am with you."

" Not now. At present we should make sure you won't contact with them. They can trace their call phone."

" But...I need to...Nothing important, " Niha said and leaned on the seat.

Soon Arjun reached his house and Niha followed him. Both sat on the sofa.

Arjun phone started to ring. He ignored the call from Moukti several times. But, she continued calling him.

He thought it might be important and answered the call without looking at Niha.

" Is Niha with you? Why is she not answering my calls? Is she alright?", Moukti bombarded him with questions.

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