Chapter 2

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Knocking on The General's door when Calleb finally arrived five minutes after me  he called us in,

"O'Connell, Hemmings," He acknowledged us and nodded to the chairs in front of his huge wooden desk before sitting down himself,

"I called you two here to ask a favor,"

"A favor, General?" Knowing the General, him asking for 'a favor' is just putting it nice for 'I'm telling you to do it'. So Calleb and I didn't have a choice,

"Yes, as I'm sure, Hemmings has informed you of the new recruit that we'll be getting later today,"

"Yes, Sir?"

"I'm asking the two of you to show her around and to mentor her, what I didn't tell Hemmings is that she's sort of a rookie in a way. She was part of the Air Force a few years ago but..."


"Let's just say, her father is very high up in the ranks and didn't like it when he found out what she was part taking in,"

"So she's a daddy's rich girl?" I asked scoffing,

"Sergeant." He gave me a look and I lowered my head in apology,

"I specifically asked for the two of you to help out with this. I want two of my best helping her. She thinks he doesn't know she was being sent here, but after her previously enrolling without her father's permission he's been keeping an eye on her. He's not very pleased,"

"Sir, with all due respect, why does our base have to sit with a rebellious rich bitch? Excuse the language,"

"Because she was sent here, now stop your whining, both of you. Calleb I want you to show her the Air Force track and explain the rules to her again, work slowly with her and start with the simulator first, she might have some, ah... issues with a jet for now. As for you, Joshua, I want you to help her with her combat and shooting. Calleb will help her get back into flying, and you'llget her back into shape,"

"Back into?"

"As I mentioned, her father wasn't too keen on the idea of her joining, so he put a stop to it after her last deployment when she went back home with a few... injuries. She's been out of the game for about two years,"

"How old is she if I may ask, Sir,"

"She's twenty,"

"How long were her deployments?"

"It was a year each if I'm not mistaken. But if you want to know her age when she first joined, she was seventeen, Joshua,"

"Seventeen? How? I could only enroll when I was eighteen..."

"Her uncle got her in, Commanding Chief Master Sergeant Erick."

"W-What? The guy is a legend!" Calleb blurted out next to me. I kicked him under the desk and the General sighed, "Yes he is, Hemmings. Now I've said enough, if you want to know more about the girl you'll have to ask her yourself,"

"I just have one more question to ask, Sir. Where is she sleeping?"

"About that, we weren't really expecting to get a new recruit so we don't um..."

"Have space? Then where will she be staying?"

"I was going to say with you two,"


"It's not debatable. I know it's awkward and... different, but you two will have to make due. Your apartment has three bedrooms and last I checked no one was using it. You're all adults, you'll manage. I'll send her over when she gets here in a few. Dismissed,"

Calleb and I stood up and walked out shutting the door behind us. We looked at each other and kept silent not knowing what to say as we made it to our place, waiting for her arrival,

"Is the room clean? Does it have anything in it?"

"Nothing that I'm aware of," We walked over to the kitchen and got ourselves a beer when Calleb broke the silence,

"Man this is shit, I didn't want to have to sit with the rookie! And to top it all off, a damn know it all brat who runs to daddy every chance she gets when something doesn't go her way,"

"I agree, we both have shit to do. We actually take this seriously, unlike her who was pulled out by her father. I mean she probably complained that it was too much, why join the army then if you can't make it?" I agreed with him,

"It's not that I didn't make it you bloody prick. My father ended it because daddy dearest can't take it that I'm a big girl and can make my own decisions. Now, do you mind pointing to my room so I can get out of the all-mighty soldiers' way." Out of nowhere a girl showed up in the kitchen, shocking both me and Calleb. She had high waisted jeans on with a red cropped hoodie and white sneakers to pair with it. Her long brown hair had red streaks in and was in a high ponytail that cascaded down to her lower back and her attitude was... definitely not appreciated,

"What's your rank rookie?" I asked,

"Senior Airman. If you knew me as well as you two were talking about me a few seconds ago, you would've known that,"

"Senior Airman? That's pretty impressive for being deployed only twice," I said ignoring what she said, even though it was true. We didn't know her and we were already judging her, but then again, Calleb and I were basically jerks to new comers,

"It's probably thanks to little daddy and uncle though," Calleb cut in. The girl closed her eyes and took a breath before looking back at us,

"Would you mind pointing to my room? Otherwise, I would have to open yours to find mine, and honestly, I'm not in the mood to look at pornographic images on walls,"

"Pornographic images? Pfft, we're not teenage boys, we'd much rather-"

"Don't. Finish that,"

"The room down the hall to your left across the bathroom,"

"Thanks. The name's Jennifer if you wanted to even know. And don't worry I'm fine with the bags," She snapped and struggled to pull her bag behind her with two others on top of it. I have to say, I did feel kind of bad for not helping her, but oh well, too late now,

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