chapter 19

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Calleb P.O.V

"Hey, guys, mind waiting for a second?" Josh asked the guys that came from the military to help us. I looked at him weirdly as he stopped them,

"What took you lot so long?"

"We got held up by traffic, couldn't be helped," the guy shrugged. Traffic? You're military! Cars will make way for you when they see you're in a hurry. The guy tried walking again, almost too eager...

"Traffic? And what's that supposed to mean? We didn't have any problem with traffic on our way here, besides almost no one comes out here, so how could there have been traffic?"

"Rush hour I suppose," He said looking Josh in the eyes, trying to push past him again,

"True. But where is the rest? I know we asked for more people to come help us,"

"They had to turn back, they'll be here soon."

"Why's that"

"Why so many questions!? They forgot the twenty-three body bags for the dead downstairs! Anything else?"

And just like that, we all went rigid, but he didn't seem to notice. We never told them about the floor downstairs on the phone, we didn't even tell them how many bodies there were. I looked closely at the men and saw some blood on the one's neck, Josh and I made eye contact and I gave a discreet nod,

"Actually yeah. We found more bodies around back, come check it out?"

"Sure, I'll send my guys in the-"

"Actually, we'll need all of you, there's a lot," The guy sighed but nodded and motioned for Josh and me to show the way, Josh made eye contact with Jennifer, and I with the Lieutenant as we walked out, the guys following me and Josh.


Jennifer P.O.V

"Come on," I whispered to Angelique and William telling them to be quiet,

"What's going on?" Asked my uncle,

"Imposters. Josh and Calleb are stalling but I doubt they'll be able to hold them for long. Come on, let's get you three in the car,"

"We'll need to take the bodies too," Lieutenant Black said as we walked down, my uncle being carried while I grabbed my siblings. Running down the steps I opened one of the extended garages that blended in as a wall with the palm of my hand, giving us access to all my army vehicles. I had an entire separate garage for it, even though I'm not supposed to have these here, they proved to be helpful.

Lieutenant Black, General Maree, and my uncle gaped at the vehicles and jets that I had stashed down here but I headed straight for the truck when I got a phone call.

"Hello? Noah, now's not-"

"Listen, whatever you do, don't come back to base. They'll kill me if they knew I talked to you, but the base is infiltrated and they're looking for you, Calleb and Josh for some reason. Don't come back, I'll call you when it's safe. Stay safe, and look after each other," The line went dead as I stared at the two men in front of me.

"Change of plans," I said and took my sibling out of the car, taking them to the private jet.

"Wait, what?"

"The base has been compromised. Get on the plane, I know where we can go. Uncle Erick look after these two, I'll fill the tank, Lieutenant, General, can you get the bodies and cover them with something when you're done, I'll come help in a bit."

He nodded and we started getting to work after my uncle and the kids were safe in the jet. I went and got the fuel for the jet. When I was sure it was starting to fill up. I rushed to help get the bodies into the jet, taking two at a time, while Lieutenant Black took three, the same as General Maree.

"The jet was already half full, it'll take about five more minutes to fully fill up so that we can make our destination," I managed to say when we covered the final body in the compartment of the jet, to hide it from the little ones.

I got my phone and called Josh,


"Are you guys almost done?"

"Jen, we managed to find two more bodies, we can stall them for a few more-"

"What I need for you is to get your ass to the plastic trees, now. Be there in a minute. You'll see they almost look grey near the house,"


"We're getting the hell out of here," was all I said and got into the jet, my uncle insisted flying as my co-pilot as Lieutenant Black and General Maree made sure the bodies and my siblings were secure.

"Not to be a downer, but how the hell are we getting out in this thing if there aren't any doors big enough, or any door at all?" My uncle asked, wincing as he shifted,

Without answering him, I pressed a remote button, letting the wall move away in front of us. I saw Calleb and Josh running inside yelling for us to go. I started the engine as the started getting in, seeing the men shooting and running after them. I heard some commotion at the back, before the green lights went on, signaling that the door had closed.

"Go, Jennifer! Go!" I heard Calleb and Josh yell again. Seeing the rest of their crew running in I waited for a while to make sure all of them were inside, but when I saw them bring a bomb in, I laughed and pressed another button, opening up the runway. I started going forward gaining speed before they could do anything and closed the door we just used.

"What took you so long!?" my uncle asked,

"Do me a favor and press the blue button on the remote,"

He eyes me suspiciously but pressed it. It took a few seconds but then we heard it...


Just as the house exploded, I pulled the jet up. I was nervous to fly with this many people on board, but I had my uncle next to me if anything went wrong,

"You rigged the house!? What the hell!" I heard them yelling at the back,

"Calm your tits, it wasn't activated until the button was pressed."

"So you blow up the house!?"

"Don't worry, you're alive aren't you?"

"JENNIFER! That was a lot of money you just blew up!"

"Which will come out of my dad's paycheck as soon as he's gone,"

"You're just like your mother," My uncle sighed disapprovingly, shaking his head, laughing at me as I just grinned over at him,

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